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Not wanting her boyfriend to find out she's become a herm, she hides her excitement on the ride home. Once home, she finds her identical twin sister, Jasmine, is just as worked up as her. Jasmine doesn't get long to react to Destiny's new form before she starts transforming into a herm orca herself! As Jasmine gets more and more desperate for Destiny's herm orca form, Destiny's willpower is stretched to its limit. Unfortunately for Destiny, fucking her twin sister is taboo, but that just makes it kinkier. 

Identical Orca Twins

by Zmeydros

(edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

The goddamn tail virus had just turned me into a herm orca and I was leaving school to get picked up by my boyfriend. Even though the clothes the nurse's office had just given me were a bit baggy, my prehensile erection was clearly visible running down the right leg of my sweatpants. I was hard because I couldn't stop thinking about the blowjob Bianca had just given me. Ducking behind a pillar holding up the canopy that kept rain off of people exiting the front door, I pleaded with my dick to go back inside me.

My boyfriend texted me a couple minutes later. "Are you on your way, babe?"

"Sorry, just using the restroom," I lied. What the fuck was I going to do? Tell him I didn't need a ride and then Uber home even though he was already waiting for me less than a hundred feet away? I tried thinking about something, anything other than going back in and begging Bianca to let me try out her pussy so I could finally stop throbbing.

I needed to think about something unsexy. Like mowing the lawn, or pulling chicken skin off of chicken breasts so my mom could keep on her low calorie diet. Nope, I was still hard. Maybe something painful? Like that time I backed into a cactus while trying to take a selfie at the arboretum? Going to the emergency room to get all the needles pulled out suuuuccckkked!

Holding onto that memory, trying to remember details from that day, finally got my erection to go down. I stepped out from behind the pillar and walked up to my boyfriend's broke ass Ford Focus.

He looked at me through the window like I was some crazy chick who'd just walked up to his car. Of course! He didn't know I'd been changed. I pulled the door open and said, "Hey cuddle bear, it's me, Destiny."

His eyes bugged out as the candy cane he'd been sucking on fell from his mouth. The candy cane stuck to the side of his driver's seat and started sliding down as he tried three times to start a sentence.

"Honey, I know, I know, I got the tail virus and you're thinking who did I fuck to end up with it? Well, I didn't get it from anyone. I must have gotten it from contamination. Like they've been saying on the news? Please don't be--"

"Stop, just stop, okay?" His surprise had been traded for annoyance. "Get in."

I sat in the passenger's seat and shut the door. "Are you okay?"

He leaned his head against the headrest and sighed as he rubbed his face. Then he looked me in the eye and said, "Look, I know that people can get the tail virus from contamination and stuff, but I need to hear you say it to my face. I need the truth. Did you sleep with anyone? It's not game over if you did, I just want to know the truth so we can move on."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I just told you that I didn't sleep with anyone."

"Okay, I believe that you didn't fuck anyone. But what about other things like giving someone a blowjob or a handy or suddenly going all lesbian and eating out a girl friend of yours? The last one would be NBD, but I still want to know."

I showed my teeth, ready to chew him out, but then I realized I actually had cheated on him. "Urgh! Fine! I was already transforming before it happened, though. My body was on fire and I begged a dragon girl to suck my--" I swallowed the word "cock" not wanting to get into that yet. "--pussy so I could get off." And, just like that, I was back to thinking about Bianca's mouth on me.

He reached over and grabbed my hand. "I love you, bae. You're good people."

Thankful that he was keeping his eyes on my face wasn't looking down at the growing bulge between my legs, I said, "You're not mad?"

He kissed my hand and then put it on his cheek. "You told me right away and it was with a girl, so it's alright. So long as the only dick you worship is mine, I won't be jealous."

Would worshiping my own dick count? It felt so so good when I came...Shit! Even more of my cock was out now. "S-sure," I said in awe that we hadn't gotten into an argument. "So, you're really okay with all this?"

He said, "I'm gonna try to look at the bright side. At least you didn't end up with a sharp bird beak or shark teeth. Cuz sticking my cock in that is nightmare fuel."

"Baby, you gotta be honest with me, do you like how I turned out?" I gulped and looked at my shoes.

He turned on the overhead light in the car and gave me a long look. "Black and white looks good on you. Orcas are one of my favorite animals, so it's cool. Just gonna take some adjustment. Lots of dudes have been having to go through this lately. I wanna man up and just roll with the changes. Drama doesn't suit me."

I hugged him feeling bouncy and relieved. After planting a kiss on his cheek, I said, "Love you so much, baby."

He hugged me back. "Love you too," he said before letting go. "I know I said we were going out tonight, but today I gotta get you home so I can help my dad finish putting up the shed. How about tomorrow I pick you up and we head back to my place to explore the new you?"

"I was kinda hoping we could go and get me some new clothes and then have a nice dinner somewhere tonight." I frowned. "I've been through a lot."

As he started driving, he said, "I know, bae, but you know how my dad gets when I flake out on him? If I don't help him tonight, he might decide I don't get the car back till graduation."

"Yeah, okay," I sighed. This situation was so confusing, I was disappointed, but also relieved because I wasn't ready for him to find out about my dick.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise," he said as he turned onto the main road.

"So are you all ready for graduation?" I asked trying to change the subject. His promises weren't worth much.

With a sigh, he said, "Bae, I'm tired. How about we just listen to some music?"

I looked at the floor. "Okay."

"Sorry, we'll cuddle and chat tomorrow, alright?"


He turned on some trap music. The only part of it that I noticed was the bass. And that was because his sound system was worth many times the price of his car. The vibration through my seat was so strong that the bass lines were tickling my balls and pussy lips. Three miles from my house, I was wet. One mile from my house, I was fully hard. I tried hiding my erection by running it up under my shirt, but that felt too exposed. So, instead, I held my legs together and pushed my prick down my left pant leg. It felt way way too good to have all that pressure around my dick, so I parted my legs to avoid it from getting stimulated from both sides. I pretended I was looking out the window as I desperately tried to avoid moaning. In my mind, I had Bianca bent over a lunch table and was trying out a pussy for the first time. 

Suddenly he turned down the music and said, "My oh my! You look horny, girl."

I gulped. "Maybe a little?"

"You thinking about tomorrow, ain't you?" He grinned.

"Yup," I lied.

"Now you've got me excited," he said as he pulled up to my house.

As I grabbed my stuff and got out of the car, I took deep breaths through my blowhole to stifle my gasps and squeaks. "See you tomorrow!"

"Looking forward to it!" He waved. "Bye!"

"Bye!" I shut the car door and he drove away.

I walked across short pristine grass toward my light blue grey two-story house. The front door had three little windows at about eye level and the handle was one of those straight ones that looked like they belonged in an office building. I put my key in the shiny brass deadbolt and unlocked the door before going inside. My sneakers squeaked on the white tiles of the entryway as I set down the shopping bag holding my old clothes. I took my shoes and socks off and put my shoes in the shoe rack. The thick champagne carpet tickled the webbing that spanned the gaps between my toes as I walked up the stairs to the bathroom. Indirect sunlight from the skylight above the stairs was providing the only illumination.

As I got up to the bathroom door, I heard the shower running. Jasmine, my identical twin sister, was already in there. Out of habit, I grabbed the door knob and started opening the bathroom door. The moment steam started wafting out through the cracked door, a chill ran down my spine. What was I thinking?! We couldn't shower together. Especially not when I was half hard. As I considered going downstairs to use my parents' bathroom, I heard a moan that made my dick twitch.

Peeking through the slightly open door, my eyes were greeted by a perfect copy of the gorgeous human form I used to have. Water droplets speckled and dripped down the glass door of the shower as her body undulated erotically. Knowing I shouldn't watch her, I turned away. But then she gasped and squealed as I heard squelching from her fingering herself and I couldn't do anything but watch.

My mind raced as I watched her knowing I absolutely shouldn't be doing so. How could I be such a pervert? What did her pussy feel like? Probably just like mine...An incredibly lewd idea popped into my head. I curled my prick around and put the tip at my pussy lips. Then I slid my cock into my snatch and breathed heavily through my blowhole to keep myself quiet. It was so hot inside me, so slippery, and my length was so big it was already tight in there.

Jasmine powered through an orgasm as I sat on the floor and started thrusting in and out of myself. I didn't hold anything back, I needed to cum asap so I could put this whole awkward situation behind me. All I had to do was get it out of my system and then I'd be fine.

Fuck, even with her body obscured by the steamy glass, I could make out her curves, the same curves I saw every time I looked in the mirror. Her C-cup breasts bounced as she leaned on the wall with one hand and rutted herself with the other. Her powerful buttocks and thighs gyrated in erotic circles as she worked on her second orgasm. I found myself matching her motions as I sat on the floor ramming my nimble orca member in and out of my sensitive snatch.

It felt so good! It had only been a couple minutes and I was just short of creaming inside myself as I imagined getting up behind Jasmine and shoving inside her. 

My eyes went wide. I couldn't do this! No matter how much she looked like me, no matter how hot I thought my human body was, she was my best friend and my twin sister. If I went down that road, I had no idea where I'd end up. Turning away from the door, with my stomach clenching, I stood up. I needed to do something to distract myself from sex and I needed to do that something right now!

Dashing down stairs, with my cock still inside me, I headed to the living room. The only thing I could think to do was play Neir: Automata. It wasn't a game a game you could space out on because dodging and counterattacking were essential. Turning on our 4K TV and picking up a PS4 controller, I resumed my game and started the boss fight I'd been waiting all day to finally finish. The good news was that I wasn't thinking about my sister anymore. The bad news was that my length had a mind of its own. As I played, my prick twitched, thrusted, and swirled inside me. Worse yet, I didn't realize how close I was to orgasming until I dropped my controller and moaned so loud the neighbor's dog barked.

Jasmine walked into the living room as I was getting off the couch so I could run to my parents' bathroom and get off in private. I stared at her wide eyed and awkwardly sat back down.

"Damn that was lou--" She yelped in surprise. "Wh-who the hell are you?"

Instantly upon seeing her, I imagined filling her with hot jizz. Chittering like an orca, I fell back onto the couch and gyrated uncontrollably while painting my depths white.

"Oh no!" She ran over to me and moved my controller away before gently holding my head to stop me from knocking it against the back of the couch. Mom sometimes had seizures and the whole family had been taught to make sure she didn't hurt herself.

When I was finally spent, she let my head go and asked, "Are you okay?"

I felt a blush spread from my neck down to my groin. It was good most of that blush was hidden. "Yeah."

"Did you just have a seizure?" she asked.

"Not exactly." I was still catching my breath.

"Are you one of Destiny's friends?" she tilted her head.

I sighed. "No, I *am* Destiny. I got the tail virus today."

"What!?" She looked me up and down, mouth hanging open.

"I transformed in the lunch room and then had to get spare clothes at the nurse's office," I explained.

Her eyes wandered across my fluke and face before spending far too much time on my breasts and groin. I doubted she could see my bulge all that well since I was leaning forward to hide it, but the attention was making me sweat. Then her eyes shined with understanding and she said, "Sis, were you masturbating just now?"

"N-no, I just got a nasty cramp in my legs from sitting wrong." I tried to keep my face neutral even though I knew it was a terrible lie. My blush got worse.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh sure, leg cramps that make you moan like a porn star. I get those all the time."

"I don't know why I'm embarrassed. I heard you masturbating in the shower when I got home," I said.

Her cheeks darkened with a blush. "Wait, were you watching me?"


"So that's why the door was cracked...That's so hot!" She put her hands over her mouth looking devastated that she'd just said that aloud.

"Huh?" The cum I'd put in myself was starting to seep out around my retreating dick.

"S-sorry, I've been on fire ever since lunch. Everyone looks like a snack today, even women." She sat on the couch next to me inadvertently trapping my fluke behind her. "It feels like I hit second puberty or something."

"Are you horny right now?" I asked wondering what had gotten into her.

She blushed and nodded shyly. Then she changed the subject. "This is so weird. No one would think you're my sister now. Next time mom and dad tell stories about mixing us up, no one's going to believe them. Well, until they explain one of us got the tail virus."

"Speaking of tails, you're kinda sitting on my fluke," I said.

"Whoops! Sorry!" She got up, grabbed my fluke, and then sat back down with it across her lap.

My fluke was tender and her touching it made my pussy tingle. I couldn't bear the embarrassment of telling her, so I just continued the conversation. "Do you think I can even use makeup anymore? Would it look silly?"

"Hmm." She examined my face. "You have white spots around your eyes, so maybe eye makeup would work? I think highlights on that midnight black elsewhere would just look strange. And putting stuff on your lips would look bizarre. Can you even pucker them? Your P's sound a bit muffled."

I tried to pucker, but my lips weren't that mobile. "Huh, that would explain why my voice sounds so different."

"You're not hard to understand, but you sound like a bit like an alien from a sci-fi movie." She smiled.

"Oh God! Do I sound silly?" I grimaced.

She laughed. "No, no, not to me. Does your voice sound silly to you?"

"Not really. It's just that you said I sounded like an alien when I was thinking it's more like I have an accent from a foreign country no one's ever heard of." I got off the couch as I spoke so I could run to the bathroom and wash up before my cum soaked my sweatpants.

"From a foriegn country no one's ever heard of? That's exactly what an alien would say!" She smirked.

"Bad sister!" I smacked her shoulder.

"GAH!" She winced.

"Shit! I'm sorry! Did I hit you too hard?"

"No." She squirmed atop the couch cushion. "My female bits suddenly feel really strange."

"Strange how?" I asked.

"Like, they're throbbing really h--AAAH!--ard." She was biting her lip.

My prick had gotten small enough that my massive load was dripping into the crotch of my sweatpants, but the moment my sister had started talking about her pussy, it was getting erect again. "Does it hurt?"

"No! The opposite!" She fidgeted on the couch bringing her hands near her crotch, but then pulling them away. "C-can you check to see if everything's okay down there?"

I groaned as my dick shoved its way deeper inside of me getting bigger by the second.

"You okay?" She asked.

I blushed with the entire front of my body again. "My pussy's acting up too," was as close an explanation as I wanted to give.

She moaned and rubbed at her clit for a couple seconds before stopping herself. "Sorry sis, I don't know why, but that turned me on. Something about your new form is driving me wild."

Biting back my admission that I was horny too, I said, "Let's go up to our bathroom so we don't moon the neighbors across the street." I offered my hand.

"Good call!" She grabbed my hand and let me pull her up.

"Maybe you should just try to look in the mirror? I'm not sure you need me to take a look," I said as I followed her up the stairs.

"Have you--AH!--ever tried to examine your own vag? Plus, we've showered together our whole lives and never had a problem. What makes you think it'll be any different this time?"

"Jasmine, we're eighteen." I couldn't get myself tell her about my cock, even though it was twitching inside my pussy so much I could barely walk.

"So? We've been eighteen for months now." She stopped to open the bathroom door.

"True." It felt like there were a million reasons I shouldn't be looking between her legs right then, but I couldn't think of one. All I had was a general idea that it was different, in a bad way, from when we used to platonically examine each other's parts. The attraction between us changed everything.

After opening the door and stepping into the bathroom, she turned around and said, "Are you gonna help me or just keep making this weird?"

"Fine! I'll look at your dumb pussy!" I said as I stepped into the bathroom.

"Hey! No dissing my twat! You used to have one just like it." She hooked her thumbs on the waist of her pleated skirt and panties and pulled them down.

My dick thrust itself in and out of my pussy as I stared at her throbbing red clit, easily twice the size it was supposed to be. I gasped through my blowhole making a hissing sound.

Luckily, she wasn't looking at me, she was staring at her clit too. "That's strange..." She reached toward it and just before her fingers made it there, it pulsed and grew another quarter inch. She squeaked out a moan as her pussy lips became paler.

My jaw dropped. "You're transforming?"

"I'm what now?" She grunted as her clit gained another half inch. "Oh shit! Oh shit no! Oh no no! I didn't have sex with anyone new, how is this happening?"

"I don't know how I got it either," I admitted.

"This is so embarrass--" Her eyes locked on to my crotch. "Why do you have a bulge in your pants?"

"Oh, it's not a bulge, the pants just folded awkwardly." I hid it with my hands.

She pulled my hands away. "Come on, sis, you know you can't hide things from me." Her eyes had a familiar twinkle in them. It was the same twinkle I had when I was mad horny and wanted to do something about it.

There was no way I could show her. I was still penetrating myself! Backing away, I said, "Maybe I should let you get off in peace."

Groping my crotch, she said, "Ha! I knew it!" She took her hand away. "I'm glad I won't be the only one of us with a cock."

My eyes darted to her growing clit as I realized she was definitely getting a dick. Hers was growing in the same way mine had! "I should go." 

"Oh, come on! Are you really going to leave me here to transform on my own?"

"I don't know what else to do, I'm not exactly in full control of myself now that I have a dick," I said.

She pressed her front against me trapping me between herself and the door. Her clit was digging into my balls through the sweatpants, continuing to grow. "I don't want you to control yourself. Touch me, grope me, fuck me!"

I gasped at the feeling of her breasts and crotch against mine and then grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back. "Get a hold of yourself, woman! That's just the tail virus talking."

"Hnnnggghhh!" Her clit was now over an inch long. "Destiny, I need you!"

Seeing her like that did something to me, something very bad. I nearly came inside myself again and lost my grip on her.

She pressed up against me, put her knee between my legs, and whispered in my ear. "Haven't you ever wanted to fuck yourself? Now's your chance."

I moaned and then pushed her away again. "Snap out of it! We can't have sex!"

She growled in frustration as paused her strokes to her two-inch length. "Fine! But you owe me a look at your cock before you go."

"Urgh! Why do you have to be as stubborn as me?" I grabbed the waist of my sweatpants and the herm-friendly boxer-briefs under them and then exposed myself. "My cock, uh, is in my pussy. Don't ask."

"Oh my God! OH! MY! GOD!" She was stroking herself furiously as she gained another inch of length. "I can't live another second without seeing more!"

I bent over the sink and lifted my fluke out of the way. It was impossible to will my dick to stop fucking me while she watched. The thing had a mind of its own! I was stuck there moaning and rolling my hips while she stood there mesmerized by my cock shoving itself in and out. At this rate, I was going to cum in front of my sister! 

Looking back at her, I asked, "Have you seen enough? Can I go now?"

"Sis, please stay...I want...I need--" She interrupted herself with a screech as her dick surged growing much longer and thicker. A clear bead of pre formed at the tip as her length curled. The skin on her arms and legs was smoother, a fold of skin was dangling in front of her pussy and the whole area of her groin was stark white.

Standing back up, I said, "Your cock is just like mine!"

She wrapped the end of her prick around her index finger. "Yes! Oh yes! This is amazing!"

"It totally is, but I gotta go." I turned toward the door. My need to get off was so great that my jaw was clenching. I had mere seconds until I lost the last bit of control I had over my dick and I had no idea what I'd do when that happened.

"No! Stay!" she protested.

Grabbing the door handle, I begged my cock to remain still and said, "We can't go any farther, we're sisters."

She pressed her erection up between my butt cheeks and reached around to cup my balls. As she spoke, her shaft crested five and a half inches. "But doesn't that just make it hotter?"

Those words destroyed me. It was so kinky, so wrong, so forbidden, that I absolutely had to do it! I pressed back against her shaft as mine made waves inside me. After a long shuddering moan, I said, "What's wrong with us? Why do we want this?"

"Because we've shared everything except sex, until now." Her cock slid downwards and reached toward the back of my pussy. My heart pounded in my chest as she prodded at my entrance. Then, as we both gasped, she forced herself inside me. Because my own length was already in there, it was so tight I had to spread my legs and relax to let her in.

"It feels soooh good!" I cried.

"Ngh! I love this!" She reached under my school T-shirt and grabbed my tits as she pressed her own up against my back.

Bending a bit forward, I let her growing phallus wrap around mine and help me fuck myself. This encouragement got her to rut me against the door. With each bit of length she gained, her front lightened and the rest of her darkened to black.

Soon she was thrusting into the coil of my dick as she bred my snatch. My pussy and cock were right on the edge and I was trying to hold on until she came.

The sac below her prick stirred as she yelped out, "I'm gonnah--I'm--OH YEESSSSS!" At first, her dick spasmed without delivering her spunk, but then two big balls plopped into her sac and she creamed inside me.

I pressed back against her, my cunny milking our cocks as I screamed in orgasm. My own prick started flooding me and my eyes rolled back in my head. Every bit of me was buzzing with pleasure and delight. No part of me was cold, no part of me was dissatisfied. All I could think about was how right this felt despite being so very wrong.

After she caught her breath, she took off her top and helped me out of mine. Then she pressed her bare breasts up against my back and nuzzled my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." I gave her dick a squeeze inside me. 

My body wasn't done. The warmth from cumming was now a smoldering lust: a desire for more! Now that I'd gotten fucked by my sister, I couldn't think of any good reason not to do it again. The mixture of wrong and right, discomfort and need, was giving me a thrilling high.

She let out a happy groan. "Sis? Are you getting hard again?"

I blushed deeply as I nodded.

"Damn it! Now I'm getting hard!" Her nipples perked up against my back. "I think I got a new clit when my balls came in and it's begging for attention."

"Pull out so I can turn around," I said.

She stepped back and, as she tugged her prick free, I pulled mine out as well. Our cum spilled out onto the tile floor with a splat that made a mess of the backs of my legs. I spun around saying, "Let's get in the shower."

"You sure you want to do more? We had an excuse the first time. I was transforming." Her nose started to flatten and travel up her face, she reached up and touched it with a look of surprise. It wouldn't be long until she had a blowhole just like me.

"You're still transforming and you should have known better. Of course we'd want to do it again." I reached behind her balls and dipped two fingers in her drenched snatch.

"Haaah!" She pulled my hand away. "Are you sure you're sure about this? I kinda took advantage of you the first time."

"Oh, I'm sure. My BF said I couldn't worship any cock other than his, but now that I've had yours, I'll never be satisfied with his." I put my fingers back inside her and grunted as I felt her snatch twitch. "And I bet your pussy is the same way. I bet no other pussy will feel as good."

"Oh! Sis! I want you so bad!" She ground her clit against the palm of my hand.

"Plus, we're basically clones. Is this even really incest?" I shoved my fingers deeper.

"YES! Keep talking!" Her snatch clenched. Jasmine was like another me that had just now become my lover. Our mutual attraction made too much sense.

"The birthmark in the crook of your neck is gone and the beauty spot on my chin is gone too. I bet when you're fully transformed, no one will be able to tell us apart. When I sneak into your bed at night and fuck you, no one will know who's topping who."

"I want to wake up to you cumming inside me!" she gasped out.

"I want to give you head in movie theaters!" Using the grip I had on her pussy, I guided her to the shower.

"That's so risky! Someone might see us!" She opened the shower door.

"That'll only make it hotter." I ground my hand into her clit.

"Ha! HAAAHHH! AAAIIIIIIEEE!!!" She came so violently I had to use my other arm to keep her upright. 

My prick became painfully hard, so I pulled out my fingers and thrust it inside her while she was still orgasming. Her pussy buffeted my cock like a Gulf Coast hurricane and I did all I could to not cum on the spot.

When she recovered, she clumsily turned the shower water on and stepped into the shower with me. We had to tread carefully because every inch of me was stuffed inside her sweltering snatch. After shutting the door, she grabbed my head and made out with me. As she fucked my mouth with her tongue, her face pushed out into an orca snout and her ears disappeared into her smooth head.

When she pulled away and spoke, her words were laced with the same accent as mine. "I want to try being balls deep inside each other while playing video games."

I tried to reply, but she shut me up by slipping her entire member inside me in one long push. I got so lost in sensation that I could hardly breathe. Her breasts, balls, thighs, and mouth against mine. Feeling bones and muscle move under her skin as I massaged her emerging fluke. Her depths gripping my cock as I twisted and untwisted it inside her. My depths clenching around her as she did the same.

Both of us wanted to impress the other. When I found out I could make her squeal by jerking my prick in random directions, she wasted no time trying it on me. Soon, we were squeaking like a pile of otters. As we got closer and closer to our release, we ground against each other more and more lewdly.

Then she totally cheated. She pushed her fluke between my legs to cup my balls and wiggled the base of her dick right against my clit. I threw my head back and wailed like I'd been struck by a semi. The shockwave of pleasure had no origin, all of me came at the same time. I gushed inside her the same way water gushed into a submarine when the hull was breached. She lasted about a second before she was screaming right along with me.

Controlling our cocks was impossible while we were cumming this hard, so they writhed and took us even higher. The shower water pouring over us made our skin even more smooth, so as we bucked against each other, our webbed hands were free to glide over every supple curve we had. I spent a lot of time on her nice round ass. Feeling her well-muscled buttocks flex as she humped into our embrace was exquisite. Her hands were in the exact same place by the time we finally came down from our shared ecstatic high. 

We held each other tight for a long time after that, just basking in our embrace and in the warm water flowing over our new aquatic bodies.

"Destiny?" She said.

"Yeah?" I was reveling in the fact that my cock was taking its sweet time going back into its slit. Being inside her made our embrace feel so much more cozy. 

She kissed my cheek. "That was...you were incredible."

"So were you!" I gave her a squeeze. "I love the new us."

She squeezed me back. "Me too!"

"I think we should dump our boyfriends," I said. "We just cheated on them hard core."

"We were gonna get new ones in college, anyway."

"I'll be your boyfriend." I smirked.

"Same here." She pulled her head back, greeting me with a beautiful smile. "We should have done this a long time ago. Would've saved us some crap relationships."

"I'm not so sure." I shrugged. "I think we suffered through them for the dick."

"Well, we've grown past that problem." She curled her prick inside me.

After a long gasp, I said, "Way past it. We're hung like horses."

"Orcas, even." She giggled.


I’d like to acknowledge my first $20 patron, Navajo Demar, for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!


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