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Essentially if people would like a version that would sync with any bluetooth toy such as the lovense range or anything that can use buttplug.io would you be interested in having a special session that is vibrator compatible to go along with my HFO/JOI/Arousal files?



i didnt know this even existed but i want in


I seem to remember buttplug.io making No Man's Sky compatible a few months back, and a lot of people, er, not *quite* knowing what to do with that information 😄


Haha yea we were gonna look into cases like that and see what we could make of our own. My resident genius Alice is on the case!


It sounds interesting. I am familiar with but plug files. I would definitely need lots of privacy. My wife is not a fan of kink.


I have followed Ultra hypnosis and Fiona Clearwater for 3 years. I am a huge fan of Fiona. Your work is similar but with a fresh feel and unique techniques. I am pleased with your work.


I vaguely know a genuine world expert in this stuff btw. Dr Kate Devlin, who had the twin dubious honours of organising the UK's first sextech hackathons and having a newspaper unfortunately dub her "The face of modern sex robots". If you've an interest in psychology & ethics there's a book of hers I think you might find interesting - "Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots".


You can set them to a few different toys on levense. But could definitely be interesting especially for a HFO/JOI file