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Dr S is conducting an experiment using super secret Subject Corp technology and you, having answered her advertisement for subjects are her willing victim-- I mean, volunteer. So prepare to be strapped down and brainwashed by the echoing voices drifting through your mind, lulled into sweet surrender and becoming a little more obedient in the process...

This is a fantasy file centered around the scientist Dr S, who's researching how hypnosis effects people, or so you think. You sign a consent form and take a seat only to be strapped down (literally) and even placed in a straight jacket (for supreme comfort and safety of course) and through the special headphones, brainwashed into being obedient. This file is a very slow release, it takes it's time and plays with the idea of dynamics. Going along with what Dr S asks of you because she is in a position of authority, and she knows it. She disguises her real task with a simple hypnosis experiment, all along dropping hints that things might not be as they seem until you realize, this is Subject Corps latest scheme in their quest for mindlessness for all...

SUGGESTIONS: This has a few key suggestions. First there is the bondage elements. You get strapped to a table before being tied into a straight jacket, you know, for safety. Then, there are suggestions around resisting the word obey as it slowly consumes your mind. The headphones are also a key suggestion as these (the headphones mentioned in the file) are Subject Corp headphones. So, when you are back in this series and a Subject Corp staff member says Headphone Time you will go back to the blank, obedient state you found yourself in throughout the file. Also, there are suggestions of locking the memory of this experience away, as well as one to say "I Obey" upon waking but not quite knowing why. Overall, a lot of the language in this file is almost con-non-con in the way it is styled. There is a clear power imbalance and there is a little gaslighting/twisting of your thoughts in this one. So please keep that in mind. This was recorded with my 3Dio so you will get a binaural experience, as mentioned wear headphones. This DOES have a wakeup and a very crisp snap at the end. 



Quinn Goodall

I can't say I remember what happened in this, but I know I went deep!


Success! That's awesome to hear. I was a little worried about this one. Just because I haven't been feeling terribly great lately, so I'm glad it went okay. :)


Owww man. So excited to experience this one.


What a great way to relax on a Sunday afternoon. It's a profound feeling having her amazing voice shift in one ear and out the other. I find my mind chasing it back and forth, like chasing a leaf blowing in the wind, and ever time I've almost caught it, it blows away again. Heh, sorry. All I'm trying to say is that I really loved this file and I really loved how it's recorded :)


Well, I remember going into the observation room, and I'm dimly aware something was pulling at my arm part way through, but apart from that I've *no clue* what happened until some snaps and being told 'Wide Awake'. I'm not even aware of the count-up having taken place, assuming there was one😅 10/10, would completely fail to recall doing again


Wow, this really was some great experience! Hopefully there will be a follow-up series :-)

Lucio Amante

Wow...first time I listened I totally blacked out, I closed my eyes and then I opened them at the snapping. Absolutely no clue of what happened...So I went for a second listening, later....even though I felt I was hanging on it for a little longer same result. I did remember that I said "I obey" the second time though... AMAZING file. I'll look forward for the continuation of this series. Doctor S. knows what she is doing.


Thank you for using a straitjacket - I especially loved that! Felt very safe!


That was quite something. I felt very focused and compliant afterwards, more so than usual after your trances. And those wake-up snaps were just...perfect. Those made me feel like I was being activated and it was wonderful. A snap just like that but combined with a trigger is going to be impossible to resist. I very much want to be a beta test subject for all of your experiments!

Barking Alien

Wow. This one was...pretty amazing. Not only did it have a very powerful effect but I awoke still a little groggy, desperately wanting more 'headphone time'. Please please do a follow up. Fantastic as always. <3


Awesome, really enjoyed it, and your sound compositions getting better and better, long for more of these brainwashing files.


Absolutely loved this file, especially the bondage aspects. A question tho, when being hypnotized and receiving a suggestion that my arms are crossed, should I physically cross them? I didn't at first and then did, but being unsure kinda threw me for a moment before I settled back into trance. I've experienced that in hypnosis files before and I'm always unsure if I should physically move or just imagine myself in a different position. thanks for the awesome file!


Wow. You made my head asplode. Twice🤯 Well, figurative anyway. It's not like we have to go wallpaper over my brain now or anything. So, I'm aware I was being told not to think about a particular word. At which point it suddenly felt as if everything snapped into hyper-clarity. Then there was what I can only describe as a massive explosion of light in my head, tingles and little electric sparks all over my body along with weird little tremors, and said word ringing in my ears as if it was a bell that had been struck. I mean, the clarity and presence of the sound was *perfect*. And it happened again the next time I was told not to think about it. Not unpleasant, I might add. Quite the reverse actually. Just a very surreal and completely novel experience. Also I've now decided you must be a witch, because Logic.

Matthew Tanner

I think i just sat still for... an hour trying not to think of obey??
