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So, it's been a long time since I have opened up patreon requests and I know a ton of people have been asking me if I am taking them so while I am still solidifying some ideas it's time to throw your ideas around. 

How this works is comment below this post with an idea you'd like to be made into a file. Know that I will not take certain kinks and my personal hard limits are:

  • Any sissification, forced femininization and anything to do with gender transformation forced or otherwise. 
  • Scat
  • CEI (someone always asks and no I'm not interested in this even on patreon)
  • Inflation kink or feeder/feedee kink (inflation has been asked about a lot so I might as well be super clear about that)
  • Anything that is supposed to be lacking in consent, for safety reasons. Even con-non-con has consent in the beginning. 
  • Anything that breaks Patreon or YouTube TOS will be an immediate no. I would like to keep my job. 

Again, I'm not here to kink shame and it's awesome y'all have the kinks you do but we all have limits and I'll be respectful of yours if you are of mine. 

I can't wait to hear what you'll want to see! Remember, it can be for any of the roleplay characters I have going or just something completely new and original. I am happy to hear your ideas and see what we can create together.



Player from a rival sports team (or wrestling heel?) comes to visit you in the locker room before your match. Even though you're on opposite sides, she's friendly towards you, and even offers to show you some "breathing exercises" to help you get in the zone before you play...


Omg so I could see this almost getting into muscle bimbo - corruption fantasy level thing and I am here for it.


Yea that's a fun dynamic. You get like the you hate her but also she has a way with you and that push and pull is very fun.


Hypnotised Into being human furniture with a smattering of degradation /humiliation? Even better if used as furniture for sex or similar.


Interesting! I've dabbled in this idea before but in a gentle way. I will see what I can do with that idea 🙂


A Remastered Version of The Mummy's Curse would be the best for me. Add more consense maybe, like the Queen seducing you into took hers place.


Or a Hypnosis roleplay centred around being frozen in a public place i.e. Public bathroom, to be used by it's patrons for sex etc. Just a couple off the top of my head, not sure if they'd be appropriate for what you like to make.


So funny you say the queen thing as I have a queen roleplay I was working on but that got scrapped because it caused a stir in the discord server. Lile some people found the idea too harsh. So I will be working on an evil queen character soon. But the mummy one for sure needs a redo.

Lucio Amante

Mmm....Distracted in Class 3 .... As a series first part is Induction, IQ play ...second part is moving a dumb, entranced student and making it a pet, third part...could be shifting further from the "human" and maybe do a dronification session? Some triggers linked to a imaginary remote control that you use to control in front of everyone, back into a showroom?

Lucio Amante

Other ideas: I miss a long fractionation session, just pure mindmelting with different inductions several times. A wizard student part 3 : Maybe we decide to want some payback, armed with the wand and a book we 'barge' into your room, we found a tickling spell and we want to use it on you...but you expected it and before we can act you turn the tap in our minds and quickly send us back into trance, you learn our intentions and decide to 'torture' us with some hypno-tickling, and giggles fits. Maybe as NSFW section at some point you change how to tease us, the tickling, becoming more sensual touch...bringing us to an edge...and you can deny us as punishment for us wanting to have our revenge on you.


I’ve always liked the living liquid suit corruption idea. Alien or otherwise. The creature lives off of your emotions and nothing is quite as intense as pleasure, so it takes over your mind and body by seducing you into wearing it and it acts like an over-sensitive second skin. You hear her thoughts in your head, and it modifies them as she pleases. Personally I’ve always enjoyed the versions that end up with a mutually beneficial relationship but I’ve seen this played out a couple ways. I wonder what you would do with it?

Tim Penfold

something from the P.O.V of the listener/viewer might be fun, like how the listener feels as they wander through a carnival funhouse/house of mirrors with an inner dialogue running: oh, this one makes me look slimmer, I feel yummy, or that one makes me look chubby, but look how deliciously I move! Just positive spins on all the forms a body can have in a way that allows the listener to not only be comfortable with themselves, but even enjoy their shape.

J. Brian Murphy

Hell club where the listener/viewer does a lap dance and they feel the arousal of the audience through a psychic link set up by the club's owner.


Long heavy fractionation and deep trance, just something that leaves us totally blissed out. Amplification of sensations is another good one.


Is physical chastity within the realm of possibility? Also interested in the idea of being seduced into becoming a controlled asset of a hot international spy. Ideal: A little of both. lol


next door neighbour just moved in. comes over to borrow something. You invite them in for tea or coffee. ooooooh. Have fun!


The Cult (Worship Goddess) - Re-imagined A “friend” has brought us to meet the Goddess under the guise of a party, which is comprised of cult members. We are introduced and you slowly begin staring into our eyes. Fractionation techniques are incorporated, however there is resistance. We succumb, losing ourselves. A mantra is introduced and uttered by the entire group while on our knees. We become part of the collective and will be trained to gather others.


I've always really enjoyed the parallels between Hypnosis and Quicksand kink. As someone interested in both, sink/sinking are very loaded terms, haha. There's a shared scenario with very similar themes that comes up again and again in art/fiction. A person wanting to try something new, drawn in by their curiosity. Sometimes playing with this duality of a desire to explore further, against the unknown, the little voice in one's head telling them to pull back before it's too late. The gradual loss of control, an increasing depth. And the exciting moment when they realize they might be in over their head, past a point of no return. How a simple conversation, or playing in a bit of mud, can lead to something very intense and intimate. There's that bit of darkness in each that can be fun to explore in fantasy, often blown out of proportion by the uninformed public who only know of them from caricatured portrayals on daytime TV. I just feel like there's potential there, and the shared lexicon makes for some interesting possibilities. It's a perfect visualization for gradual bondage and deepening trance. And perfect to do with a partner who can pull you out afterwards. ^^


Really loving the mystery girl bondage stuff. Mystery girl wanting to improve on her rope work and asking the viewer to be her bottom for practice. Some more complex ties would be a lot of fun. A hog tie, frog tie or something. I would also love to see the segufix discussed in the live stream come to play. But the rope stuff has a more established place in the story.


I wouldn't say no to either a vampire or succubus file, love those kinds of files :D


What about something having to do with worshipping your feet?


I like this guy's idea, becoming a thrall for a vampire or whatever could be great


Oooh so like a sequel to the Welcome to Hell video but about being on display doing a lapdance? That's cool!


I’m always into superheros losing to a sexy villainess that gently breaks them.


Imagined touch is a great idea right now cause I have been getting a ton of requests for that kind of stuff.


Define physical? Are we talking long term? Short term? Because depending on that is whether or not I would.


I also thought, super taboo but the idea of the "kool aid" trope. But instead of poison it's more compliance.


I would love more amnesia-oriented files... something that really traps me in a loop of listening to something for the "first time" would be fun


I'm also interested in pop-up thoughts - not necessarily sexual, but something that will come out of nowhere at work or whatever and remind me how malleable my mind is (to those I consent to sculpting it, like you 💜). I'm also really into furry/animal transformation stuff but I totally understand if that's not your cup of tea 😅


oh! another idea: idk if it's exclusive to VtM but the concept of a blood bond: if a vampire drinks another vampire's blood, they become more suggestable and loyal to them. basically I LOVE vampire themed files but the problem is I am the Vampire but I am also a sub.

Lucio Amante

Another idea, patreon file. An audio file accompanied with a picture or a slide of pictures( maybe to change the photo at a certain timestamp) It could be a roleplay of a cursed portrait to trance someone and carry them inside the painting and brainwash them there. It could be quite a trippy experience ^^

Quinn Goodall

I wouldn't mind another little space file

Peloton Toned

I'd love another maid file but I think I'm just one of two maids on the Discord channel. Bimbofication might be better to make more people happy (including me).


I've always had a thing for scenes in which a sub is being sent to bed, be it for a nap or for the night. Resistance play works so nicely together with that, trying to stay awake but being unable to. While many people throw in some gas lighting here (like "no, I'm not doing anything, you're just tired"), I happen to like things like conensually giving someone control about sending me to bed and them using it, taking credit for it. Even reframing when I would go to bed anyway to them sending me to sleep without control


Far from a fleshed out idea, but I've been musing about a fantasy setting based around a mine. Obviously there's the whole descent thing going on there, but I'm quite interested in the soundscape - contrasts between open caverns and narrow tunnels, maybe riff off the steady rhythm of pickaxes as a metronome analogue. Stuff like that. And yes, I have played more D&D than is probably healthy in my life😅


I've always loved the idea of some sort of medical setting where a combination of restraints and hypnotic domination are explicitly framed as therapeutic, and are the treatment we've chosen to go there for, rather than being unexpected or unwelcome. Some sort of "bondage/hypnosis therapy". I like the idea of that just being very normal and pleasant.


I love wicked therapy, going for treatment for lack of confidence and being hypnotised into experiencing penis expansion and /or breast expansion on the operating table , could be cursed to experience it the rest of the day 😀


i loved the brief introduction of being a footstool - in one of the fantasy series - and would love to see more development there. i am a foot fetishist, so anything along the lines of reinforcing the footstool concept would be great, but so would more elaboration around worshipping (at) someone's feet. Maybe an actual trigger that turns one into an instant foot slave would be good.


Anything, and I mean *anything* that involves latex.

Aaron Silverman

I would love more maid content, but also cow and milking content would be great


A female boss with hypnotic powers, in the vein of The Demon Headmaster maybe? Might be fun. "I have seen your productivity levels and I know how I can make them even higher. The amount of hard work you have been doing is making you sleepy, funny you should be so sleepy, early in the afternoon..."

That Darned Hyena

So, I'm very fantasy oriented. The Vampire audios and Lamia tickle my fancy greatly. I also enjoy con non-con, such as drugging and potions. However, the créme de la créme for me is dehumanization into pet. An unholy amalgamation of those 3 genres in, say, a witch testing concoctions on the listener and they turn the listener into animals, and there's condescension (as you're just a test subject, you can't possibly understand the intricacies, etc etc etc) and you humoring a bewildered, dumb pet while the potion wears off. Various kinds of fun being had by you while we're animals, of course.

Cassandra Cavenaugh

I'd like to see more pet play files specifically for kitten play. I liked Dumb Little Kitten quite a bit, but more of that would be very fun. Also a fan of IQ play and vocabulary *adjustments*. :)

Lucio Amante

A resistance play involving kneeling and being tugged down. Maybe part of the dungeon girl series. We are giving a class, trying to explore our dominant/switchy side, when you appear, covertly trancing us to our knees hinting that "Even though you might be in control of others...you'll always submit to me..won't you?" and then you give us a trigger that sends back on your knees and when kneeling we go blank and submissive, maybe chanting a mantra....and you tease us playing with that trigger in a fractionation style.


How about a female doctor (you) hypnotizes us to help deal with anxiety, but discovers by asking a few probing questions that we are naturally submissive and want to be controlled. Then the doctor has us disrobe and produce a sperm simple for her (you) while you watch - to make sure that was re doing it right...


Maybe the patient is nervous about producing a sperm sample, so the hypnotist compels him to do so.


Not sure if your still looking for requests. I would like some more petplay files.


I just joined. YOUR voice is sooo silky smooth. As for a fantasy idea, I keep thinking that something more sci-fi like a Borg Assimilation ASMR would be interesting...

Sean Beatty

Next step of the seduced into obedience should be taking us down deep enough to include a mindless zombie walk-pose