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In this experience you are taking through a basic relaxation file before the system breaks and decides to take you through the Spiral Slave program. The idea behind the program  is to train you to be extra responsive to spirals. But not just any spirals, these specific ones. With mantras and words of obedience on the screen to guide you, you will have your will and your mind blanked and blissed out.

SUGGESTIONS: This file has suggestions based around being a spiral slave. A spiral slave is someone who submits to the spiral and lets the words on the spiral dictate your reality. It also is a training file for people who want to get better at dropping to hypnosis deeply to spirals. There are some safety suggestions, the file states that only this spiral will affect you in this way (and I used something different from my usual spiral to keep that separate) as well as it will only work when you are in a safe place, around wither people you trust or alone. There is mantra repeating where you will repeat, out loud the words from the screen. So again, this is best watched with the video or with a spiral with words you can make yourself (but keep in mind that the words will dictate how you are during this file so keep that in mind). There is also a suggestion that each time you go deeper and a mantra to say when you wake up.



Spiral Slave Patreon Edit.mp4



I am a spiral slave. Never been a fan of spirals but this was yummy


I am a spiral slave

Cora L

Is there a way I can download the video?


There is not at the moment. But I can look into that perhaps? I've had a bit of an issue with people sharing my content lately so privacy is an issue but if I can work that out, sure!


TSS... this is an amazing file imho. it hit all the right thingies. being of a slave like nature... i was in my sweet spots. and the "predicament hypnosis" of having to really try to keep my eyes open to see the words kept me fractionating the shit out of myself. the result is im still loopy even as i write this. i love role play too. im gonna start babbling now so. i better end this. thank you for a wonderful and ongoing experience. truly.


oh. one more thing. this is my favourite spiral! sooooo pretty.

Lucio Amante

That was really good, wonderful spiral, loved the idea and most of all loved how from time to time you told me to open my eyes because I couldn't keep them open, it is never done in spiral videos so when I strain to keep them constantly open trance gets weaker (same problem I have with text hypnosis), knowing I could close my eyes freely sent me down without worries


I loved this one so much!!


I really like this one! It’s the combination of TSS's soothing “robotic” voice, beautiful blue spiral with the use of intermittent phrases, background vocals and music that got me. Watching this video leads to such peaceful feelings. Kind of makes you want to watch again and again!

Barking Alien

I am a Spiral Slave for sure! Wow. Both soothing and intense at once.

Spooky Taylor

i am a spiral slave.. and i can't even remember half of what was said in that video holy moley.


I love it. Any Download-Option would be great.


I have been thinking about that. I have had issues with people sending my work to their friends via downloading it and sharing google drive links, so I am trying to double down on being cautious.


I know that leachers are the reason behind it and I know that it is just making it sad for all of us. But thank you for considering it.


I am a spiral slave

Sean Beatty

I am a Spiral Slave…. I woke up to tears down the side of my face


Amazing !


I am a spiral slave forever and ever


this was amazing


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