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Welcome to the Virtual Hypnotist, created by Subject Corp this AI will hypnotize you and give you a nice relaxing, basic fractionation session... Until the files are corrupted that is and you are taken through a spiral focused, slave brainwashing!

This file works best with a spiral with words on it (spiral incoming) so the video version of this is recommended but I wanted to create the vocal downloads for anyone wanting to use their own spiral for their own brainwashing fun! You can pretty much use any spiral but just know, it needs words for you to say while in trance. 

In this experience you are taking through a basic relaxation file before the system breaks and decides to take you through the Spiral Slave program. The idea behind the program  is to train you to be extra responsive to spirals. But not just any spirals, these specific ones. With mantras and words of obedience on the screen to guide you, you will have your will and your mind blanked and blissed out. 

SUGGESTIONS: This file has suggestions based around being a spiral slave. A spiral slave is someone who submits to the spiral and lets the words on the spiral dictate your reality. It also is a training file for people who want to get better at dropping to hypnosis deeply to spirals. There are some safety suggestions, the file states that only this spiral will affect you in this way (and I used something different from my usual spiral to keep that seperate) as well as it will only work when you are in a safe place, around wither people you trust or alone. There is mantra repeating where you will repeat, out loud the words from the screen. So again, this is best watched with the video or with a spiral with words you can make yourself (but keep in mind that the words will dictate how you are during this file so keep that in mind). There is also a suggestion that each time you go deeper and a mantra to say when you wake up. 




I am a spiral slave


I am a spiral slave


I am a spiral slave