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Well, we made it through. I have to say I am so grateful for all the support this year and the amazing growth that has been happening here on patreon. 

I wanted to let you know that 2020 was a massive year for milestones. At the beginning of the year I had half the patrons I do now and it has been a serious life changer to know that by next year my life could change again. Things have been slowly moving over the last four years on patreon but I've never seen as quick growth as now and it's exciting. It's awesome to see that something about my content is bringing new people to the channel.

So, to the new folks welcome! I hope you like what you have found so far. But to my returning supporters I want to say thank you. I know some of you have been here since 2017 and that is WILD. Thank you for believing in me, even when I was recording on my yeti from my bedroom in my parents place. We've come a long way.

What happened in 2020. Let's start with some updates in the tech side of things. 

2020 was a year of new gear and experimenting with my TSS sound. I've tried so many different recorders, microphones, mixers and even got a new laptop when my macbook died in March. All of this has lead to some HUGE leaps in sound quality. Some of you won't notice but for me, the quality of the audio as well as the quality of the content of the audio is paramount and now I have FINALLY settled on a system that works for me. So thank you for being able to help me achieve some tech goals.

I've made so many online LIVE appearances this year. Because I do this full time I've been able to attend all the best online events in the hypnosis community (and one live back in Jan 2020). This is something I LOVE doing as education is what I got my bachelors in, so being able to use that is amazing. If you want more details on my upcoming live events let me know in the comments and I'll keep you posted. 

Now, let's talk content shifts. A lot of people have been asking about videos and when I will be back on camera. The short answer is, I don't know but I do have plans for the video tier as they haven't had as much content this year as I would have liked. I've also settled on my plan for what I want to be making each month. 

YouTube: one "Hypnosis" audio and one ASMR Roleplay audio per week, plus one Live Stream.
Patreon: Early access to all of these plus at least one NSFW audio/video file per week. I aim to have each week of the month be for a different patreon tier except the Archive and the Whispered Submission. The Archive tier is going to get Secret Files as usual. 

As far as Secret Files are concerned, yes, I have plans to bring them back starting this month. That along with the patreon submissions, this is where you can throw in ideas for me and I might add them to my list of ideas. 

In terms of what I made this year, you can access the entire year's work by heading to the top of the patreon page and clicking on the month button as shown in this picture. 

Now, just a couple of my personal highlights that I felt were awesome in 2020. 

  • The start of my roleplay series, you support as helped me pay all the artists for their work on thumbnails and images for these so I can really share the idea of how it looks in my head with you, and give you a great overall experience. 
  • Being able to have access to a greenscreen, new mics and amazing professional lighting and sound gear that makes recording a breeze!
  • Having the ability to be creative with what I am creating and push the boundaries on what a TSS file is. 
  • As of Jan 2020 being certified as a professional certified hypnotist for a second time! 
  • Being able to actually travel back to America and meet some of you LIVE in person. I'm gutted we won't be able to anytime really soon, but please come to the live streams and other events if you can because it's always really lovely to be able to connect with y'all when I can. 

I know this is getting long, but one last thing (promise!). Massive thanks to you all for being understanding. This year I've had good and bad days but we got through thanks to you, keeping me being able to work and live my life. I am truly very grateful. 

Have a wonderful new year everyone!

XOXO The Secret Subject



i found a way to support you financially and im so glad i did. You deserve all this support because of your talent, your work ethic, professionalism, caring and fun attitude. it's my pleasure to help out any way that i can. i'm glad i found you on youtube. i hope all of your dreams come true, both you and Alice.


It's still great to hear that at least someone in 2020 was happy!))) It's wonderful! And... Happy New Year!