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Welcome back to The Secret Salon, where a clean mind is a happy mind, and today since you have a follow-up appointment we are going to prepare you for being a Display Toy for a new brainwashing company... This is a follow up to Salon Brainwashing Fantasy which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aroji1RndLw&t=81s 

Also I recorded this all on my new, lavalier mic! Basically, I am making my own 3Dio, its going to be cheaper and sound just as good so let me know what you think!

In this file you will have a special shampoo applied to your hair and massaged in, what you start to realize is like before the hair products are filled with special chemicals to open your mind and drop you down into brainwashed bliss. Then, we train you in all the ways to be a display toy, a thing that is to be displayed and used for different companies to show off their various products. This particular company is a brainwashing company which you will be a doll, testing their new tech for people to watch. We train you in this file with a new trigger to be used later. 

 SUGGESTIONS: The suggestions in this file are mostly based in the fantasy. It is very visually based being a fantasy role play file. The main trigger is the Display Toy trigger. Whenever someone you trust in a place that's safe says, "display toy, playtime" (no snap, just that phrase) you will return back into that space. When you are a display toy you will be able to breathe and blink but you will be unable to move, and unable to do anything but think the phrase a clean mind is a happy mind and then you'll do whatever the person who triggered you, says. (Within reason!) You will also find that when someone calls you a Display Toy when you are in that space, you will find waves of bliss running through you. At the end of the file there are suggestions to forget what happened, only remembering a clean mind is a happy mind. 

This is part of a new series that is going to be a continued story! I can't wait to show you the next part, and yes it has a wakeup. 




It was great to have a another pleasant relaxing session at the salon. The new mike sounds good. Thanks Secret Subject.


Just what I needed after a long day. And I don't know whether I just zoned out near the end or I had an amnesia suggestion working for the first time - but I guess that's a good thing here :-) Whatever it was, it was a very pleasant experience. (btw: amazing ambience sounds)


Ah, glad you liked them! I was concerned about too much ambience to not enough sound sound. I even remade this whole file because the original version just wasnt working. The good news is now I have a setup that is working really well that I am going to stick to for a while.


Your voice sounded perfect, I think the quality was even better than normal, and your recordings have always been very good. Unfortunately I don't remember very much except of course the familiar feeling of pleasure and relaxation now it is over. A clean mind is a happy mind.


That was a lovely way to start my day, Miss Subject! I really do like the feeling of getting my hair shampooed at the salon so this was another perfect way to relax!


Do i need to watch the first one for this to work?

Sarah Reagan

Absolutely love this series, hope to see more soon. Maybe a mix of this and bimbo would be amazing

Cora L

A clean mind is a happy mind~ <3


A clean mind is a happy mind