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So this is something I just wanted to try out. I've been looking at some of the ASMR role plays on YouTube and I think I want to add a little bit of that into my videos. That said I wanted to show you this! 

You booked in for another appointment with a local hypnotherapist for your issues relaxing, she's very qualified to help with this but little did you know she also has other intentions...

This file is a relaxation hypnosis followed by slow domination file that will make you think of obedience and only that for a while. It uses fractionation and relaxation hypnosis and is very gentle for the first few drops, also installs a sleep trigger to work for me during the session but then it turns and gets dark really quick. Lots of D/s language and ideas of losing yourself to me with mantras and mention that obedience is pleasure (for some this might turn sexual). It also has amnesia suggestions, when you think of this file/session you will only be able to remember "I learnt how to relax, it felt good" so expect that!

Apart from the "sleep" and amnesia post hypnotic suggestions there are no lasting suggestions in this file. Remember this is NOT a therapy file or a therapy session. When I post more therapeutic files I will be tagging them as such, this is role play and fantasy and is for entertainment purposes only. 




Wow, this one was very nice. Listening to Happy Fractionation right before really helped me go deep. There is a significant memory gap of the middle part where I don’t think I fell asleep but am actually obeying your amnesia commands and it feels wonderful.


Yes! That is epic, thanks for letting me know. I’m reading Lee Allures Hypnotic Amnesia so I’ll be adding more amnesia files to the list at some stage.


Noice!!! Glad you're reading that amnesia book- I hope it gives you plenty of inspiration. Really love your trances- the subject matter, the delivery, even the length, and this one worked well. Thanks!

Barking Alien

A very nice trance but not one of my favorites. For some reason, maybe having nothing to do with the file but more me, it never took me very deep. It felt 'light' or perhaps 'mild' somehow. It was relaxing but the D/s and Obedience themes come late in the piece and weren't especially strong. Again, it was very pleasant but the Amnesia element had no effect on me. Sorry. ^ ^;


That’s totally valid! I was trying to make something “more tame” for youtube and I know not everyone is going to get fully into each file I make. Thanks for the feedback.

Barking Alien

Thank you for your response. After I wrote it I felt like I shouldn't have. It has nothing to do with the quality of the file. It's excellent! It's just not for me personally as much as others you've made that are more to my tastes. Those are files I listen to repeatedly because I feel they are just amazing!


Hey, don't ever feel worried about giving feedback. It's all good because it tells me what people like and don't like and helps me to know what people are liking going forward.


I am totally impressed with this file. We listen to it once and I know there was something you told me to forget. In a very analytical person so I listen to a second time knowing in my mind that I see what I missed. The second time through I question whether I ever heard anything about domination


I’m so relaxed


Hi Miss, this did help me to unwind and relax, I fell asleep for about an hour after. So if my Tai Chi can't take the rest of the edge off when stressed then this file will when needed. I learnt how to relax and it felt good.