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This is a dual audio loop that will really get you in that submissive head space. Each track is right in each of your ears and will give you a really fun, dual audio experience. This is all about submitting to me, each version is slightly different but both will have you thinking of nothing but getting deeper into the depths of submission to me. The goal of this audio is to get you thinking of nothing but obedience, and then after this ends you will still feel it for as long as you can, unless there is an emergency, so be prepared! This one is really great for a variety of brainwashing situations or pleasure conditioning. 

SUGGESTIONS: This is INTENSELY aimed at those people who want to submit to me. Its specific so if that's not something you want then this is not for you. The track will take you deeper into the submissive feelings towards me and also has hints of needing and craving submission. It's very similar to the demise series, this will make you helpless to me, submitting to me fully. Slight manipulative and had references to craving and addiction. Please keep that in mind prior to listening, this one could be danger for some. 

The main audio is the 30 minute mix or go to the bottom of this post to get the 7 minute single loop. 


vande xx



As i begin to listen to this file i am in heaven. Your voice both my ears at the same time. Submitting to You would be pure heaven. IS there any possibility of this becoming reality?


Reality for me would be living as a femonozed slave under Your total control. Servitude and worship. Being a slave 24/7/365


Ah, well I am not taking on new subs right now but a series of slave training files/videos are absolutely on the cards. Maybe I could also make lists of tasks for higher tiers too if people want that?

Quinn Goodall

As if I'm not already helpless to your voice lol. Just had a chance to listen to it and holy hell! Task lists would be so much fun, any chance for the $15 tier? That's about all I can consistently afford right now


Dearest Ma'am, i woke up to the terrible news that You arent taking on new subs. Perhaps it was something i wrote or didnt write? i would bre very interested in a series of slave training files/videos. Hopefully it will lead to actually serving You aat Your feet.


This is actually public knowledge and has been for a very long time. I rarely find people I like enough to want to take them on as a submissive of mine and like any relationship like a partner or close friend I take it seriously. Alice and I are monogamous, that isn’t going to change. She’s my sub, that’s not going to change. I don’t have room for other subs full time in my life. People can enjoy my work and I love that but being realistic here, this is how it goes. This is not about you or anyone else in fact, this is about me and what I can handle people wise according to the time and resources I have. Hope that clears it up. If people want more from me that what I already do they will have to order a custom file or video and maybe eventually I’ll find time for one to one sessions.


i thank You for Your honesty and for not playing me. Most Women would try to squeeze me dry.. i am of course sorry that there is no room for me in Your life. But at least i was able to dream for a short while. Only blessing and kisses to Your feet

Lucio Amante

I honestly like the ideas of slave training files with some tasks :)


i like this one. i like the looping aspect, which i will be able to enjoy another time. being a former submissive sure has helped you with your dominance. You make it very clear that you understand the thoughts, feelings, yearnings and needs of a submissive. it makes it pretty well impossible to not give in. no wonder so many yearn to submit to you irl. well done Miss Subject.