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So, I've been thinking about a shift in how I work for a long time and something that's been bugging me is the custom file and session tiers. From next month onwards those will no longer be available. Firstly, this doesn't mean I won't make custom content, that will still be available via my website, however I find that a lot of people think that once they get one then that's it, they have to keep getting one each month which isn't the case at all.

The price won't change at all and in fact the bookings will get easier for me as the website will turn all the bookings into an auto spreadsheet for me to see. 

If you ordered a file prior to March 2020, never fear! I shall get those out to you ASAP and they won't be affected. Same to those who booked sessions with me. 

The new system will also allow for me to focus more on my tiers and what I want to offer including behind the scene sneak peaks and better erotic hypnosis content. 

Thanks for the ongoing support,

XOXO The Secret Subject


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