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This was highly requested by someone in my YouTube comments so THANK YOU to that person for reminding me I had this planned. 

In this file we discuss the notion of blankness as well as what happened in the Avengers: Infinity War when Thanos, snapped away half of the universe. We are going to do that to you, but instead of turning to dust and floating away, my special snaps will blank out your mind (and ripped through the universe, so listen with caution). This is a fun nerdy themed track and I'm really happy with the concept. I will probably make more like this in the future. 

The suggestions are as follows, when I say the trigger word and snap my fingers, you will have a very strong body and mind blanking experience. I wanted to make it different from other blanking triggers by adding the idea of it being like a wave across the universe feeling, it will hit you hard. Once blanked you may experience some time dilation but this depends on the person and how you experience the feeling of blank, really depends on your mind. I've kept this one very open ended so it can be enjoyed by all. 




That was so powerful holy crappp


I really enjoyed this file! Even though I couldn't visualize the jeweled glove. It was wonderful, well done!

Quinn Goodall

I've been patiently waiting for this one Miss Subject!! Thank you for creating from my suggestion, I can't wait to listen to it!!!

Quinn Goodall

OMG!! Perfectly done, amazing to feel it ripple out from my core. Will definitely be playing this one often


Thanks Miss, I really enjoyed the snaps taking away my mind.