Eyes On, Eyes Off! (Eye Fixation Fractionation) (Patreon)
A lot of eye fixation lately! In this video I give you a personal favourite trigger of mine where we use the power of my eyes to be able to turn off and on your ability to fall down very deeply into them!
We start by fractionating you with looking into my eyes and following this with the trigger that when I say (or someone you trust says) "EYES ON" with a snap, the ability for you to be lost in my eyes snaps into effect. You just fall so deeply into them, it's like a magical power that gets you so easily into trance. Then, whenever you hear the trigger "EYES OFF" that power is turned off, like a light switch in the back of your mind. We then have fun with this idea and play around with it a little more.
This has themes of D/s and is full of fractionation and is created for people who love eye fixation and want to have something a little different! The trigger also has the usual safeties of time and space and making sure it's only used by people you and your subconscious trusts.