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This is probably not what was expected for this day but the idea came from a patron and this was an amazing idea. 

So, after my class today I decided to make a trance session that is two inductions and two deepeners back to back, with the goals of taking you so deep into trance you can (hopefully) get somewhere near esdaile. It also looks at an idea, taking every single time you have been in trance on purpose and not and allowing you to experience all of that at once! 

This is a great file for everyone and is for a general audience. Make sure to lie down before this one, with the screen within view as it has two fixation inductions included. The main idea behind this is looking at certain trance stages, taking you through a light trance with eyes closed to deep relaxation, body and mind. 



Stages Of Trance (HypNovember Day 12 | Stage)

This video is about My Movie 15



Thanks Miss , I like the new recording style and the double induction and deepener format did give me a sense of stage of trance until I was very deeply in trance. The cinema showing the film of all the times you've been in trance was a great concept as well.


This was incredibly relaxing. I've been going through all the induction videos and audios trying to actually get into trance and I still don't know if I've got there but if not then I was close.

Sean Beatty

I definitely felt like I have dropped a lot deeper with this video than others before it