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This file is all about taking those things we are afraid of and laughing at them.

DISCLOSURE: If you are suffering with any trauma based fears this file is probably not for you as you will need to be able to look at it face to face. If you are not already seeing a therapist for this issue, then I would recommend you do that prior to trying hypnosis for those issues. This is aimed at people with fears like spiders, heights, anything that you might face often and not trauma based experiences. 

This file is created with Harry Potter in mind. Imagine the scene with the Bogart. Basically we take you through an induction and then lead you to a place where you will find yourself face to face with your fear, once that we will try the exercise again and this time replace that fear feeling with something funny, so you can learn to laugh in the face of your fear. 

As stated above, this is for people who have fears that don't need explicit therapy to tackle, for those with intense phobias and trauma based fear please seek medical help/therapy. 

Everytime you come face to face with your fear, you will remember the funny things we came up with and be able to connect the joy of laughing with that experience. In theory it means your fear response should lessen. I would love to know what you think and if this helps!



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