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I have a new website?? That’s right. I have a new site with a blog, links to patreon and merch and videos that update themselves. So, check it out here...


The Secret Subject

As always, The Secret Subject has huge dreams and even bigger future plans for her life and the channel. She plans to make more self help content and use her certification to the fullest. Her big dream is to one day have her own counselling service and include hypnosis and NLP as tools to help people improve their mental states and lifestyles through positive mindsets.



But what about your old website?


Good question, I am leaving it up for a little while longer. However, it will no longer be updated and all the newer paid for files will go to the new one.


I can't wait to hear about your full-time Worldwide counseling services. I hope it keeps you merrily engaged doing what your heart longs for...and may you receive mutual compensation for the love in your heart for mankind. Angels come in all forms and you will prove to be an angel to many. *This prophetic compliment brought to you because it sounded good in my head and I had to type it...no really, the voice in my head said type this out NOW*😇😻😜🤗💖


Yes, so basically the idea behind the change was that I wanted something more sleek and easier to design, wix wasn’t that for me. I’ve now moved to square space and I have to so I’m obsessed with the new, cleaner look. Also I wanted to have places to get personal with my experiences. The blog has been that for me so far.