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In this file you will be reprogrammed into a Stepford Spouse, the next evolution of homemaker. You will be everything a Stepford Spouse should be, a great cook, housekeeper, you will appear the picture of perfection in your dress and cleanliness and of course you will be obedient to the whims of your partner. 

This file is all about training you to a fun little trigger, based of the movie "Stepford Wives" but in this file it is gender neutral so no matter what you identify as you can also play along and be  a programmed Stepford Spouse. Now this file is no way in saying that you should aim for perfection in your actual life, this is more of a fantasy trigger that you can give to your partner to play out the idea of pre-programmed, suburban bliss with a robotic edge. 

Anyone who likes the movie like I do and thinks that being a perfect, suburban homemaker for an afternoon would be fun. The emphasis is on all things including clothes and styling to be quite retro and pristine so if that is something you would be into you will like this file. 

So this file has a post hypnotic trigger that each time someone you trust says the trigger phrase you will go into Stepford Spouse mode, during this time you will focus on all the chores you need to do, cooking, cleaning etc but also make sure that you look immaculate doing it. You will obey all orders with a smile and be nothing but sweet and nice to everyone around you. Your voice will be soft spoken and your manners will be impeccable. The focus is on you being a stereotype of perfect house making and you will live out that role to the best of your ability until you need to come out of this state or until you are "deactivated". This could make for some fun role play with a partner or as a scene with someone. 




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