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This file is one I gave to all my patrons this month but I have decided to make all the archived files available for the higher tiers only. 

This is a conversational amnesia file where we use the imagery of rewinding your mind to take you back to a time before hypnosis, a time when you had never been hypnotised before and then use this to have some fun.   This file includes a lot of double binds and confusion style language that is meant to be a little gas-lighty (but in a nice way, promise) as well as fractionation techniques to instill a sense of deja vu within the listener.   

Of course like with many of my files all suggestions are cleared at the end and you are put back in a mindset of being content, happy and can remember all that happened. One of the things I don't want to put out there but to keep in mind is the techniques in this file fast forward and rewind back in your memory timeline to a time before hypnosis, which for some could cause a sense of regression. This is not the intent of this file and it is not a regression themed file, however just be wary it might happen for some. 

This experience could be quite hard for some as the confusion language used may overload your mind, so it might not be for everyone. I would also not recommend this for people who don't like snapping fingers and memory play. There are no elements of kink or D/s so this is for a general listening audience.   



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