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So, there are certain things I have planned for 2019...

I want to be able to go to more events, now this will of course be work depending so we will need to wait and see what happens there but once I know thats a massive goal of mine. 

I would love to be able to get a new moc setup. As some of you might have noticed my mic has been buzzing and humming a LOT lately. I've been working to fix this in post but it's really sketchy. Considering I've had my blue yeti now since I was about 19 (and I'm 25 now, so it's old) I think it's time to retire my baby and get a new one. The new setup however is going to cost about $600 NZD so, I will be working hard for that. 

Alice and I are saving up to buy our first home! That's right our big goal for 2019 is to have her move to NZ from Australia and for us to look into buying a house together. This is a MASSIVE goal as you can imagine as neither of us have moved out of home yet and to have a private space to call our own is an amazing dream of ours. So, we are going to do a lot of saving (after I go to charmed) and we are going to get that underway. 

So where do I see the future of this channel this year?

My plan is to keep growing as a channel. I think by doing my cert in hypnosis I am showing a commitment to my craft, and even though I am going to be working three jobs in 2019 (two IRL jobs and this) I still want to produce content on a regular basis. 

2018 was about setting up for the future and making fun content, this year is going be all about raising the bar, pushing my limits and range and getting out there as a channel.

How can you help?

Your support means so much to me, and by support  I mean not just via patreon. Sharing videos, sharing twitter posts and tumblr posts and overall getting the word out there. After the tumblr downfall I honestly thought this page would die out but you have all kept it going by being here and supporting my vision for hypnosis content for the future. Thank you all for making my dream come alive and now let's nurture this to go even further! 

XOXO The Secret Subject


Steve Power

I wish you all the best in 2019 with your goals you will do well with your certificate in hypnosis you have a passion for it like me. That helped me so much getting my certificate as a master practitioner in hypnosis and NLP


Good luck with your plans for 2019 and hope that everything goes well with buying a home.