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So everyone who's support went through has been sent the link to the drive with both versions of the secret file. 

Also, it's Sci-Fi Summer and my requests are open! I'm redoing my file idea board so if you have an idea, message me or comment below and I will let you know if it's something for the board. 



Well have you thought of doing a Star Trek themed sci fi file. There's quite a lot of potential ideas like Vulcan Mind Melds, Borg nanoprobes and quite a lot of other mind control stuff over the various series especially in The Next Generation.


See I have never actually seen Star Trek but I will do my research and see what I can do 😊 thank you for the cool idea


be a borg !! resistence is futile ....


Whaaaaat so i need to cancel my support here :D - Star Trek is a Must for an SciFi Nerd. :)


Loved the New Year’s file; wouldn’t mind seeing that world explored more fully. Alternatively, something along the lines of the Dollhouse subplot about the woman who is ostensibly married to a congressman but is really his handler could be cool too.

Lucio Amante

Laser gun! With different settings, Stun/Freeze/ Orgasm(Pleasure( Gun)

London Dungeon Keeper

remote control with different colour buttons... less violent than a stun gun perhaps...


I have done a file like that called "remote control hero" and you can find it in the video section of the page. But I am more than happy to make a third installment.