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Firstly, all the payments are processing as we speak so the Final Demise will be out tomorrow morning my time once all the payments have finalised. 

Okay, so as most of you know this is the final week before my trip and there is still a little bit of planning to go. 

This week in preparation I will be working on files, videos, vlogs and maybe some other secret stuff (including a collab file that I will explain in a sec) so it will be full on content while I am away and no one will miss out!

Yes, all of the work from last month like the succubus file and vampire files are being made, preferably tonight. I also have some loops to make, a fractionation file or two, a dark castle file and something very special for those who are a fan of being seduced. 

Last night I was asked to do a collab on a himbo file. It's a mixture of hypnosis and mantra/loop stuff so when that comes out I will let all of you know. I was asked if I would post it here but because it's not my script and just my voice I felt it would be best to start sharing it when it becomes available to all. If you are interested in this file, message me on discord and I'll let you know more about it and where to find it. 

I will be making a travel vlog next week documenting everything (except the con because that is no camera allowed) so expect maybe a few guests in the forms of strange noises from the background and perhaps the back of heads. 

Also I have an idea, it may not work but if we have time. I will be doing a session with my sub and we will be having her wear my headphones while I record. So essentially the idea is that it will be an audio file made from our session. We won't use names so it will be a perfectly general file for everyone but it will put you close to the action and will give you a small taste of what we like to do. Not sure as to the theme of this file yet, that really depends on the time and day we decide to test this idea out. 

Oh and on the note of the new file, get ready for a wild ride... My lovely test subject was broken for the rest of the evening after trying it. So, when you do get it make sure you allow time in case you have a similar reaction. 

XOXO The Secret Subject



Can't wait for this new file


I gave it a listen this morning and Miss' voice pulls you along for the ride. I'm not a giggler by any means, so I don't think the file is for me but that being said, it's very good! I know more than a few himbo wannabes who will dig it!


Thank you! That’s why I didn’t wanna add it here. It’s definitely not like my usual bimbo Files by any means but I do like to help out a friend when they ask me. 😊


Thanks for this - with all these files coming out I suspect my mind will be a pliable mush ready for Miss to mould as she pleases by the end of the month.