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I'm very pleased with how this file turned out, so pleased in fact that I wanted to give everyone a small taste of what's being unleashed once the pledges for this month have gone through. 

This one is designed to make you blank, mindless and obedient. It will reinforce the ideas in the last two demise files as well as really drive that word, "OBEY" deeper into your mind. 

This file will have after-effects so it will be a "listen at the end of the day in case you don't function" situation. Also the wording is vague enough to be gender neutral and allow for use with a Dominant who is not myself, (unless you would like to submit to me, in which case, well, well...) 

Get ready, the end is near.

XOXO The Secret Subject


Jamie T

Can't wait...

Lucio Amante

Wow I can't wait to hear the full thing, will Patreon hurry up and take my money? XD


How's long is the file I'm so excited


Hey if we show up at entranced would you have any time, to takes us under, like bring us to your hotel room and make us Beyond fucked I'm extremely excited about this opportunity to go to entranced


Well, I have a “you must meet me properly first” policy with trancing people. I dont normally just trance people off the cuff due to safety but I will be there and have a chat to me and we can see. 😄


That's badass me and my girlfriend are coming hopefully we meet you it's 🐝 a amazing trip so far with you


That’s awesome! Make sure to come and say hi. 😊 I’ll be there with some friends one of my subs. It’s gonna be the best!


When will patron pull pay ment


Right now actually. It’s 50% so far so should be done by the end of the day 😊


I'm extremely excited waiting for my payment to go through


Thankfully I'm patient lol