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So a lot of people have been asking about My Eyes 5 and yes, I will be filming that next week so make sure you stay tuned for that!

Also, I will be trialling something new this month, I will be creating a metronome video for my $25 plus tier which will be about 15-20 minutes long and will be a trancing training file. Now some people have asked me for one off purchase videos so I will also be making it a website exclusive purchase, so for those who don't want to support a higher tier or just want that one video that will be for you.

Personally, its a better deal to support the patreon instead as you get access to all my file archive, videos and more but hey for those people who want that one video it's an option. 

If this takes off I will be making more website exclusive-one-off-purchase-files in the future. 

Also, get ready to be brainwashed in a few days... The demise file, part two is ready to overload your mind into submission. Brace yourselves, its going to be a ride.

XOXO The Secret Subject



I cannot wait for the finished work

Jamie T

There's just something so exciting about being faced with your own demise. ;)