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So this is a post I made on tumblr about what is coming up this June, I wasn't going to make it a download but because a lot of people really liked it I thought, hey, why not!

The OG post is here: https://thesecretsubject.tumblr.com/post/174385363687/just-a-quick-sample-of-what-to-expect-in-june-from

Just a quick sample of what to expect in June from my channel featuring my new favourite toy, and no, it’s not a person… It’s my metronome of course! 

So if you want to stay up to date with my latest hypno-shenanigans make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/thesecretsubject 

And remember as always to Keep It Trancey!

XOXO The Secret Subject 



Omigosh I can't believe how quickly I fell! You're triggers take me soooo deep. I'm to the point that that I don't want to resist you. You take me to places I've never been and I thank you so muck♥


Btw the metronome with the bell coupled with you perfect voice is irresistibly hypnotic!

Jamie T

I don't stand a chance... :o

Jamie T

I really really don't stand a chance