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I've been learning all about conditioning in my behaviour psych classes and now I'm going to get you to help me condition yourself to a certain word, so play with yourself and lets link some of those nice feelings to words.


This file is a conditioning file, it will fractionate you and have you play with yourself so we can condition your mind to remember how it feels to touch certain places and link that to a word. "Pleasure". 


Anyone who wants to feel pleasure when told that word. There is no reference to D/s roles so this is fairly open to anyone who is okay with touching to the file and having their mind conditioned and fractionated a little.


When the word, Pleasure is said by me or someone your subconscious trusts in a place that is safe to feel those feelings you will feel a burst of arousal. The idea is that this file links the feeling of you touching to that word, training your mind to respond. 




Maybe the best file yet


Wow :)


I agree Wow, already listened three times in a row and think will be several more times


Never made it past 3 minutes before i exploded. Thank you.


What's that? You listened to this once a week ago? How about giving it another listen? You can thank me later :) I really appreciate that you're not just gender neutral but really non-specific about what is being touched and how - not going for the obvious, being controlling but non-prescriptive and allowing our own minds the freedom to zero in on achieving pleasure the ways we know best for our own bodies. Sure, prescriptive can be fun, but your approach is so refreshing.


This is up there with the more recent HFO video... Wow... intense and fantastic.