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So a few people have been asking if I’m okay because I’ve not been as active online lately and yes I am fine.

The reason is I have about four assignments due (one this week, two next and one the following week) plus weekly quizzes for two classes.

On top of that I have had some pop up events this week, like last minute I was asked to MC a quiz night for a local retirement village on Wednesday night and this Saturday I have decided to audition for Heathers the musical with is being put on by the local theatre group.

Files will be out on Sunday and I have a video I’ve been working on among the chaos.

Also I don’t want anyone to think anything of this but I did go to the doctors on Wednesday for an ongoing health issue and have had a lot of blood taken to see if they can find anything. It’s not anything that is hurting me so that’s the good news it’s just something that if they find it I could be dealing with for a long time and that’s been plaguing my mind more than anything.

Just a heads up, I’ll see how much I can make this weekend with the files and dependant on whether I get a callback for this show. But just don’t worry content is always on my mind as are all of you.

Thank you for the continued support.
XOXO The Secret Subject



I hope everything goes well for you! And kick butt on your audition! ^.^


So much ❤️❤️ for you, Miss! Keep doing what you need to do.


I have had my share of health/blood anomalies and tests in the last 6 months so I know how you feel.. I get bad anxiety about health issues. Good luck to you and thank you for everything you do for your patreon community. :)


Thank you! I am working so hard for all this and I'm really lucky that this thing is just hormones and not anything that could be really serious.


Your amazing so you now


Woooooo Heathers!!!!!!! Good luck I believe in you 😊 be VERY ♥️


Good luck in your exams..


Know that you are in our thoughts. :-)