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Let's play a name game...

So I was teaching at a workshop all weekend and was doing a quick session here and there with some new people and I have to say I was inspired by some of the classics we did to show them what we can do. So here is my take on the classic "forget your name" suggestion. 


This is just a quick, single-track file to forget your name. It involves a brief induction, deepener, suggestion and then some fun play until I give your name back in a snap!


This is a general file, no lewdness of any kind and is suitable for the general audience. 


You will forget your name until I choose to give it back. 




It work on me, thank you. I never think that i can forget this, it is so far implanted in our brain...But you succeed !


So close! I liked this!


I really wish amnesia would work for me. Still a nice try ;)

Lucio Amante

It was weird, I could remember it in the back of my head but I was unsure it was right, and I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud.

Donald Pelles

I really wanted to not remember it, but I did.


And thats okay :) Not everyone can do it first try


Same as Lucio!! It kept popping up in the back of my head but it felt weird and I couldn't say it out loud. It probably doesn't help that I have tow first names that I go by and idk if my subconscious could decide which to forget


Whoo! I first listened to this when it first came out, but it was kind of a busy day and my focus wasn't great, so I wasn't surprised when I woke up still remembering. Tonight, though, possibly also helped by having listened to "Fractionation Overload" first, I woke up and... some tiny part of the back of my mind knew I knew my name, but I just couldn't get the thought together to recall it, let alone speak it. Not sure I had much else in the way of thoughts or words, either, but that may have been because I was preoccupied with poking the failure of name thought. Very cool!


This was fantastic. I wasn't able to say my name when you asked. I almost had it, it kept getting on the tip of my tongue but never came out.