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Hello my Lovely Listeners! I hope you are having a delightful start to the month. 

I have had some absolutely wicked plans that I felt the need to share with all of you but first some life things. 

As most of you know I have been working very hard with school, the tests and assignments have been non-stop but thankfully as of next week I have a two week break from classes. So not only does that mean more time to work on all my Entranced prep (working out and reading hypnosis books) but it also means I will have a little bit more time to work on new videos! 

So what is up in April?

Well, firstly I will be working on a special file that will be privately sent to everyone who's pledges go through on time for April. If this works out this will be a monthly thing to say thank you to all those who support me. The topic will change from month to month and these files will not be available anywhere else. 

Next I have a few amazing files coming up:

-Naughty and Nice Resistance 3: featuring Crystal

-Bimbowned: A Submissive Pet Training Session with Crystal 

-A new relaxation file for YouTube called "The Meadow" 

-Some new vlogs

-An introduction to the Secret Subjects candle collection 

-Amnesia file

-Gentle FemDomme Sleep File

-Study Buddy: You help me by letting me steal your smarts

(And maybe some more get ready with me obedience training, loops, and pocket watching if you ask nicely. And that means best begging faces on with plenty of "Please Miss"...)

Thank you all for your continued support! Remember if you need a link to the discord chat PM me and I'll send that ASAP also feel free to send me ideas if you have any, if I like them I may find time to make them into files. 

XOXO The Secret Subject

(Or Miss if you are that way inclined and/or part of the discord chat hehe...)



All of this sounds amazing, Miss! Good luck with the exams!


All of those files sound awesome and Please Miss could you do some more Pocket Watching videos.


Wow this really does sound amazing! Thank you Miss for all the effort you’ve put in :)