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In this file we. take you down into trance and install a trigger to bring you back into trance. 

This is a really basic relaxtionation induction so it's really great for those who want to experience trance for the first time or for a nice relaxing break during your day. 

It is also for anyone who needs the "SLEEP" trigger for all the later fractionation files and some of the other files too. 





This was lovely. I am a hypnotist and struggling to be hypnotized. This was very relaxing. I drifted a bit, but my conscious mind was hearing what my subconscious mind was hearing. I am not sure how tranced I was or wasn't, but I am going to listen to this more often until the trigger works :)


Loved it! I'm still learning to trance and this really, really helped. I could feel the warmth from the blanket and it made me all tingly! I'll be coming back to this one...