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So firstly I wanted to say I’m sorry for the people I’ve let down recently with my lack of free time and availability to do things.

2018 hit with a hopeful start that soon turned into rocks in the stream which looked like pebbles and ended up as jaggered boulders.
As some of you know I recently quit my job and this week is my final week, in fact I only have to more days of working there until I drop to one day a week relieving and that’s all. I have to say they really are making all efforts to force me not to want to return there EVER with some of the hours I’ve been working and things I’ve had going on this week.

On the brightest of all sides my degree was approved and I am officially doing a graduate diploma in psychology. Excited and nervous to be doing this but I know long term it’s gonna make me that much more knowledgable and passionate about minds and how they work. (As well as I’m taking a paper that may have somethings to do with hypnosis…)

But what I really wanted to say was two things to all of you:

Thank you to everyone who is being patient with me! Seriously I know I have been slack but I swear that will change when I have some free time. At the end of last year/beginning of this year I’ve had to let a lot of things that I love go because I don’t have time and I’m finally starting to get that back and hopefully with it a new, healthier version of myself with emerge. Also customs I’ve had to change recently so to everyone affected by that I am sorry. It’s been a massive stress thinking I had the time when I didn’t and for those still waiting I’m going to try my best to make things up to you.

Secondly there is so much exciting stuff happening, more vlogs, more files, more complex things I have in the works including Project Himbo, which I am very excited for. All kinds of amazing things for all and including all! Also this year I’ve decided that my channel will aim to provide hypnosis for all who are interested, no matter their gender, sexual orientation etc. if you want files in my voice that’s what I’m gonna do.

Thank you all for supporting me this far and I hope 2018 can be a year of amazing opportunities and making new friends!

XOXO The Secret Subject


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