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This week I decided to finish fixing the old scripts so I could focus 100% on creating content for the scenes.

I finished Garnet's script. Since this was one of the last ones I did, the quality was much better than the first ones, so I didn't have to rewrite whole sections. But I still made small adjustments to most of the 18,000 lines of this huge script. I made the text clearer in certain places, removed some of the annoying "writer vices" I had, fixed some places where Garnet and Dorothy's names had been changed, etc.

Dorothy's (Garnet's mother) script is also completely fixed. It was much rougher than Garnet's, and I had to rewrite some parts. One conversation in particular, where the MC and Dorothy talk in the bathtub, is kind of impossible to fix, and I thought about removing it completely, but in the end I preferred to leave it in the game, I just made it a little less bad, but it's a part I don't like very much.

Sophia's script was terrible, but I fixed that too. It was "Solvalley level" of bad writing, especially the old Solvalley scenes, but now it's better written, without so many hard-to-understand things, gross mistakes, etc. I also added some extra gossip in the part where she sits on the park bench.

I also fixed Teacher Melissa's script, but unfortunately the images and animations in her scene are pretty bad compared to the newer stuff, but I decided that's one thing I'm not going to change. Finally, I also fixed the scene where the MC passes/fails the college exam, which was in a separate script.

If I'm not mistaken, there are only 3 scripts left to fix. Teacher Patricia's, the first part of Hannah's script, and Daisy's script, the girl who works at the nightclub. My plan is to finish these other three by tomorrow (Saturday) because they are not that big.

After that, I'll finally start working exclusively on new scenes. With the fixing part off my back, I hope to get back to my old self where I could create a lot of content quickly. I wanted to do the update before the end of this month, but that will be impossible, so I hope it will be done in the first part of next month.

Note: I also made some images of Emma's ending in Solvalley School, to advance some content to try to finish that game before the end of 2023.



Congratz on finally finishing the scripts, which must've been a tedious task. I know you want to release Solvalley 4.0 by the end of the year, but since you want to finish it as well and HS Tutor is being delayed, I hope you'll consider taking a bit of additional for the this release, considering how 3.0 came out last year. Better take an extra month or two and finally leave Solvalley behind instead of having a rushed release.


Cool. Cleaning up text is probably a better use of time than redoing the images, just because you can get so much done compared to the effort of reshooting a sceneful of CGs.