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Hello. Here's a short report on what I've been doing about HS Tutor this month. 

After the events of the last update, the Main Character can visit Ursula and Jasmine's house, where there's a short conversation about the consequences of what they've done. In this event, Ursula also says that she prefers not to take pills so as not to mess up her hormones or something, which means that the MC and her will have to be careful in their love relationships from now on (spoiler: they won't be careful at all).

After that, I wrote the event where the MC finally tries to help Jasmine with her book. In this event, the protagonist tells us a bit more about his past and the relationship he had with Linda (his first girlfriend). Then, there's the other event where the MC gathers the girls (Zoe, Ursula, Garnet and Charlotte) to listen to some of what Jasmine has already written and to make suggestions for the book.

After this, there's an event where Jasmine (Ursula's mother) decides she needs to relax a bit and goes for a walk with the MC where they get to know each other better. Dorothy (Garnet's mother) insinuates that Jasmine needs a sexual partner, she also decides to teach both her daughter and Ursula how to use condoms, which Garnet again refuses, but Ursula doesn't because she needs to know how to protect herself against pregnancy. Dorothy is obviously using the MC as a tool for the lesson, but we know she's naughty, so obviously the lesson is basically an excuse for sex.

That's what I did for now. I'm also more or less at line 12,000/18,800 of Garnet's script, fixing all the inconsistencies I find and also making the text clearer.

My plan is to have the sex scenes with Jasmine and the repeatable sex scene with Ursula at her house by the end of the month so I can make a new update. I have 10 days to do it, will I make it? I'll try...

Finally, I've been doing some things for Solvalley. My plan for this game is to finish it before the end of 2023. The main thing to end Solvalley is the ball scene, where Alex asks all the girls instead of just one. The dance will also be illegal, organized by Lisa in an abandoned place without anyone's permission, and will end with the police (Barbara) showing up to shut down the event. Alex is going to have sex with practically all the girls in this scene, it's going to be total chaos. Then I have other scenes that have been requested for a long time, like

- another scene with Alex + Adria (Miranda's maid)
- another scene with Alex + Valentina (Anastacia's mother)
- a mini-ending with Emma (doctor)
- an orgy scene with the milfs, preferably with the teachers and mothers present
- some other sharing scenes with Kirk+Verdi, Alex+Kirk+Ruzena, etc.
- There are more scenes I can't remember where I wrote them down...

Note that there's a lot left, and I want to finish the game before the end of 2023, so I'll probably leave some of those scenes for later, in case I feel like revisiting Alex and friends' adventures.

That's it, I'll be back soon with more news and updates!

Dorothy decides to teach the girls how to put on a condom properly, but MC isn't really ready, which forces Dorothy to use her boobs and then her mouth to get him into the right state for the lesson. Then she uses other parts too...


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