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At the moment I'm working on the next update of HS Tutor. The focus will be on Ursula, Garnet's friend. Since Ursula's story is somewhat connected to Garnet, Zoe and Charlotte, these three girls will be in the new scenes. Of course, there's also Ursula's mother, who only appears in one scene in the game at the moment, but will now have a bigger role. Ursula's mother, by the way, is one of the few mothers in the game who's not a complete slut who wants to sit on the protagonist's dick after 5 seconds of meeting him.

I'm also fixing the old scripts. Kelly's was by far the worst of them all and needed some serious work. I rewrote large parts of the script, keeping the exact same story, but not as aggressively badly written as before. I was quite surprised at the number of mistakes in the script, as well as scenes that were kind of outrageous. For example, when Kelly finds her mother in the bathroom with MC, she acts all erratic and MC responds with "Okay, now come wash my dick," which might work for comic effect if it was Alex from Solvalley School, but I honestly thought it looked terrible in the context of the scene and the characters. I had to rewrite that part using the same images and theme, which was quite difficult, but the end result is something much more tolerable that represented the characters in a much better way, even if it was ultimately a "patch".

Another problem with Kelly's script is the way the MC behaves around her. Because Kelly is a bit clueless and makes inappropriate jokes all the time, she always makes the MC uncomfortable, but the way this was reflected in the MC's lines was quite annoying. Basically, he was always stuttering and indecisive about everything. For example, when Kelly asked him to lie on her bed so that they could read manga together, he would say something like, "Uh... on your bed? Er... huh..." and he'd go on like an idiot. Now he's more assertive on his lines.

I also fixed other things in the other scripts of the game. For example, the role of Mila and Zoe will now have the first letter capitalized if it fits the text. Let's say the player chose the fictional word "MuM" to define Mila. If Zoe is calling Mila, the text will read something like "Hey, Mum!", but if she is talking about Mila to MC, the text will read "Where did our mum go?". Another fix I've been doing for a while is to make the MC more assertive in all the other scripts. Although it was in Kelly's script where he was the most indecisive and had obvious mental problems, he was also played that way in many other parts of the game, so I'm cleaning that up to make him more decisive and less pussy.

About Solvalley

I haven't done anything in the Solvalley School game since the last update but I've already decided to just do the prom scene and consider the work on the game finished. Yeah, I know, a lot of people want more scenes with their favorite characters, but besides some little extra things that I will add in a few scenes because of patron requests, I won't do anything else besides the prom scene.

Then I'll be on my way to doing a new project with more decent art, characters and writing.

About Honeymoon Island

You may remember that I said a few times that this project was very bad, and it was true. Since I was just testing the renders, I did not put any work into the writing initially, and until a few days before I posted it here, the game was pretty horrible. The problem was that the narration was done as if the protagonist (the guy who looks like a porn actor from 1980s movies) was writing a book, and holy shit, it sucked!

So I rewrote the whole game and made the protagonist narrate in the first person, with few sentences in a simple and direct way. I also changed a lot of the character's lines, if you notice, some lines don't match the character's expression very well, especially in the beginning. After I released the game and played it again, I think the final result is pretty good, and the public's reception was also good.

I decided then that I will continue with the project, mainly because, according to my plans, the third day within the game has the potential to be quite fun, since Aunt Angela (the woman with the atomic-boobs) comes back to the island and Ellen starts to get protective towards the Hairy Moustache Lad, generating interesting situations. This kind of dynamic always generates a good chemistry between the characters, as for example in the case of Alanna and Joel from the old House Arrest...

However, I will not get back to work on this game right now! I will first finish the HS Tutor update, then the last one for Solvalley and finally I will resume the project, this time in an official way. I don't want to attract people to my Patreon for this project right now, because I won't have time to work on it and I don't want people giving me money and not getting the content they like at an honest pace.

If you who are reading this are only interested in the game "Honeymoon Island", and are my patron, then I ask for patience, it will take at least 1 more month for the HS Tutor update, then 1 month for Solvalley, and only then will I get back to work on the game. If you want to cancel your pledge and come back later, feel free.

Ursula and MC get trapped in the locker room and are later rescued by Charlotte, who also ends up trapped in the locker room with the two...

Note: The big project that will replace Solvalley with the same style, full of women, their mothers and animations will still be done in the future, since Honeymoon Island is a small project.



It's sad to hear that Solvalley finally seems to come to an end. The current certainly added a lot of good stuff and showed that the game still has unused potential, but considering you planned to end it for at least two years now, we should be happy we got a lot of stuff after that. Though I hope you'll end it with a bang and will at least finish the three teachers scene which didn't make it for 3.5. There's also quite a few requests which have been on the roadmap for a long time now, like the Saori scene or the Valentina scene. Adding some extras to previous scenes and endings (I think, I suggested extensions to the Kyra and Anastacia endings) might be a good idea. Might increase the replay value, but some people probably would never see them. Perhaps some grand overall ending might be a good idea and the harem ending could at least use some conclusion as well. Well, you've changed plans for the game several times, but if you're really going to end it with the next version, I hope you'll don't rush it.

Jared Cunningham

i know this comment is late, but i am a big fan of the anime look in HS Tutor. I hope you eventually do another project with the same style


One of my biggest problems with Solvalley is the resolution. I make the original images in 4K, but then I have to reduce them to 1000x700 (game resolution) which is about 12% of the original pixel amount. Of course, I wouldn't make the game in 4K anyway because it would take up too much memory (especially the animations), but 1080p 16:9 would already be considerably better. I know people want more from the characters, but I believe that when I start the new project and introduce new characters, all in full-hd and with a more polished presentation, people will understand that the potential to be explored in a new project far outweighs the potential that still exists in a game like Solvalley. As for the other scenes, I'll try to do as much as possible for the last update, but I'm not thinking about it yet because I'm working on HS Tutor at the moment.


I also like the anime style, but sometimes I feel it's too "cute", so ultimately having two projects for me to work on helps to add variety, although for patrons who only have an interest in one game, this is quite inconvenient.