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Sorry for the slowdown on updates lately, I've been making steady progress on the next full length comic and my new format is to release a few preview pages at a time and then finished pages one at a time, to keep more regular releases. I'm closer to the end of it than the beginning, but as my stories have gotten more complicated its become more important to take my time and do them right. I'm excited for this next one but I want to make sure it is both something exciting, easy to follow, dramatic, and sexy for readers as well. So thank you for your patience.

I'm also occasionally working on what to include in Cliff's Dresden File. I have a decent approximation but just need to actually toss it together and make it look pretty.

Also, back when I was working on "Where There's Smoke..." I considered a more abrupt sex scene. I abandoned it pretty immediately, but I did sketch a lead-in page, so I'll release that tomorrow for Purple tier and above just to tide you over for the moment. I'll hopefully have much more for you soon.

Thanks as always for bearing with me guys! I appreciate you being here and witnessing Eli's adventures! As always please speak up and let me know if you have thoughts or concerns!



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