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  • June 10, 2021

Full preview and mini GIF link of the Summer vacation sticker set😁

Haha, since I did a more illustrated bg for the last set Fantasy Gate...I thought, why stop there?

So, I decided to also, do one for this promo video~ I guess this will be the new standard now 🤣 (I also, updated the last set, and provided a no words version of the pic)

This set is already got rejected once...so I have to delete everything, and re-submit, and try my luck again, with a different reviewer....

the 2 stickers that got rejected was...

Both...are actually one of my fave...so I was like...aaawww heeelll no....(re-submit)

The problem got pointed out was....is that short short...short.....glimpse of their zoomed in boobs....uh...okay...? although, as for Hila...I'm not sure if the swimsuit is an issue too...if it's too sexy of a swimsuit? I don't know...these situations are just frustrating, they reject it, and just give you a vague general explanation "too sexual" like HOW!? care to elaborate!!!?

seriously though....Hila and Maggie sticker is just...👌 I don't wanna edit it~~~~~🤬

But I'll try couple more times...if this gets rejected again... if not...then I wont have a choice to cut those frames...😡 (of course, will keep the original in the GIF version)

As for the other stickers, all went as the sketches, and didn't make much changes~

I hope you like the set, and will upload the full resolution GIF when it's released.

  • May 31, 2021

First half preview of the summer sticker set.

A1..Hahaha, the first Lili one will be the tab, and cover sticker for the set😆🍌🍌

(I just love this one....😅)

A04...why do I hear the song "America, fuck yeah" when looking at this....🤣

A09..changed the sticker of Sophia rolling, to just the wave dragging her~ so lazy, she doesn't even move on her self  XDDD

A12...I changed the one she's holding 2 melons to her angry throwing it~ (since I already have Fiona dancing, and not have one that's raging.

(but still have a quick zoom close up...👀)

Hope you like the set so far, will update when the full set is finished. 😄

  • May 27, 2021

It's summer~ and it's that theme~ 🌴🌴 and so I want to make a set for it as well! XD

I forgot when was the last time I did a beach summer set....I didn't make one last year...because these seasonal stickers mostly aren't really that popular...😅 

But hey, I just want to make one~ and have fun with the set~👌 so I hope you'll like it too.

And of course, as always, the stickers still might get edited or change during the working process.

Will update this post, when the first half is finished

Don't forget to vote on the next COTM and REQ poll.



JT Tom

I love the watermelon smash

JT Tom