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Well, at least they're talking.....right..?

uhhhmm..though it seems like it's a one sided nagging XD

Though in Sasha's defense, she really didn't expect anything like this even would happened~XD

Don't forget to vote on the next COTM and REQ poll.

Also, just posted the next series poll vote in webtoon XD 



JT Tom

Even though Maple does bring up a good point... I still don't like the Mom. Maybe my opinion will change next update.


In Sasha’s defense, she’s just concerned about Sophie’s health. She’s not saying that she’s disappointed, she just wants her to be healthy and not suffer in the future.


Haha, some people like Sasha, some don't~ some feel same with Maple, and that's okay, It's not a clear right and wrong~ but depends on your perspective~ XDD


She's not saying she's disappointed....yet XDD LOL jk~ but yes, of course she does care~ might be different way of showing with Jonathan, but still XD