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Rough sketch storyboard comic script of the next L&M update C:

As always,  the sketch and dialogue lines can still be edited or changed during the working process.

COTM and AddtionPack Sketch Poll are currently running




Nice timimg Molly... I hope you get all the characters. Also isn't it bit rude to invite someome to tea and instantly bail like that, but I guess Molly probably took awhile to change and all.


Ah, It's more like they're already done talking business and just chilling, so her dad is the one who invited Molly to be there to spend time together, not Coral. Though yes, I guess you're right. I probably should have a buffer in the middle (no dialogue space) to show that there was at least, some time passed, and she didn't just left right away.


Was that a Wanted Poster? Anyways, I think Molly's approach made Shing be able to properly consider his words


It's a fan art from Octavia. XD And yeah, did give him time to think his response.