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Sophia received a message from Sasha.

Before knowing what it was about, a brief flashback to the moment when Sasha and Jonathan were signing the papers and ensuring Sophia that she would make time for her as much as she could.

Judging from their relationship, she probably didn't. It's hard to say she broke a promise since she specified that it was "as much as she can.".....And she couldn't.

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so... that means Sasha either decided not to take Sofia with her, or the Judge thought that Jonathan deserves the child more than Sasha? Judges usually give children to mothets, even if the mother is neglecting them. They dont favor fathers even if the mother is very neglectful. :( So Sasha maybe left Sofia behind by her own choice?


Aw man. Made me tear up


It was career or child. Career was choosen. Sasha's career pretty much requires 24/7 travel and attention. It's not a fair choice. She can be a mom or keep her great career in what seems to be a c-suite role (or at least close to it). At the time, it seems she was fighting Johnathan a lot - so it does makes sense she would choose the career. As for who "gets" Sophia, Sasha as a signle parent certently wouldn't work, so Johnathan is the paranet who provides the stable donut filled lifestyle that Sophia enjoys.


I actually considered not doing this part, but I thought, yeah, I probably should...(it's a must, even)