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Jared Mathews

I agree that it did seem like they healed his leg and had the emotional payoff a bit too soon but given that they wanted to get the training montage out of the way this episode and start with the missions asap I guess they had to get it over with. I'm sure that we'll get all of the teams backstory in due time although the guy's backstory seems pretty obvious to me from the first episode and they dropped even more hints at it this episode. I'm surprised So Mun agreed to join them so quickly. I guess saving the kid's life really did it as risking his life and having his grandparents go through losing another loved one again is worth it if he's saving other peoples lives. I know he wants to talk to his parents but I would have asked the wi-gen lady to heal his grandmother's dementia as watching their family struggle with that is heartbreaking. I think it's odd that they didn't erase So Mun's friend's memory. I'm sure that's going to come into play at some point. I guess with the lore of the uncanny counters established in this episode Netflix could do a spin off series in the US if the show is popular enough and just have it be the US team in the same world as the Korean team. I wouldn't really call the end of this a cliff hanger it's more like they just ended the episode with a preview for next week's mission. It's not like most kdrama's that end in the middle of a important conversation with the two main characters staring deeply into each others eyes or with one of the characters seemingly dying only to just have passed out and are totally fine next week. I've been preoccupied with other kdramas at the moment so I still haven't watched ahead yet but this was another good episode. I'm generally tired of case of the week shows so I'm hoping this doesn't turn into that but it probably will. If it does I just hope they keep developing the ongoing plotlines and don't just save them for the season finale. Loved the reaction as always and stay safe!

Marcel Wannieck

Bit late on this because holidays, family stuff etc. - God damn, why did it take him so long to finally break their arms? - I agree. "Fixing" his disability so fast feels kinda weird. - coma competition - If ribs aren't being broken then you're not doing proper CPR. - I get that Mun isn't supposed to meddle in the affairs of the living, but how do these rules apply if it involves him directly? That's what I'm wondering about. - My brain also sometimes stops when I see Sejeong, it's only natural - Calling it now, Mun is gonna end up being the best fighter on the team. - You can talk, I can barely to ONE pull up 😅 - Damn these cliffhangers!