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Had to split the reaction into 2 parts cause I don't know wtf is happening with my editing software and why I sat from midnight until 5:30 AM trying to export this fucking reaction 🙃

PS - Long intro, reaction starts at 9 minutes.




For the “imaginary phone” for Suyun I think it’s most likely a brand issue, they can’t show a prop like that

Marcel Wannieck

Yeah but you could always use a fake generic phone prop. It's literally just a black rectangle, how expensive could that possibly be?

crispy chicken

- 31 degrees? Damn. 🥵 I'm already losing it here at 26 🥵 - Yeah, Dohwa and Fye were cute. Red and Blue (pokemon). - Yeah, they changed the name from EL7Z U+P to EL7Z UP, which is sooo much better, really 😑 - "put your elzzup! put your put your elzzup!"? Were you singing a 2PM song there? I thought you had never reacted to them yet. - I have a hard time believing that this was the actual order in which they picked their teams. I think you would go for top 7 members first (higher skilled, most popular). I mean, out of all ppl Hwiseo chose Jiwoo first? Also, you probably go from main roles first to smaller roles. So it doesn't make sense to me to pick a subvocal4 so soon. I think they chose their groupmembers first and Mnet decided the order in which they had to reveal them. - Kei and Dohwa didn't get picked. How old do you think they must have felt right there? 😬 - Would have been quite funny if both teams had a rapper position open, then we might've got to see rapper Kei 😅 Billionaire - Some sparks and the stage rose a little. That was all the production... Didn't feel like a finale at all. - I also didn't like their clothes. The song is all about bounce and groove, so I wished they had some baggier, more hiphop, tougher clothes. - I also agree with the volume being much, much too low. I did like the song though.