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I was watching along week to week up until last week and couldn’t wait and finished it on my own! But definitely still going to enjoy watching your reactions!

Marcel Wannieck

- The only liqueur I actually like these days is flavoured Soju. But I also drink much less than I used to. A few years ago I always had a crate of beer at home but not anymore. I'm very critical of the glorification of alcohol(ism) in parts of my culture. Some people have a down right fetish for beer. It's quite concerning to say the least. - Give Han Seung-hyuk a bit of power and he immediately becomes overzealous. - Looks like Vincenzo is just sending more and more men after Han-seok. Not to kill him but just to not give him a single moment of rest. - When are they finally gonna get Elon Musk for tax evasion? - Mr. Nam is just a man full of love. - Dude, I've not even used first class on a train. I'm a broke college student, I have to take whatever gets me to my destination the cheapest way possible. Even using high speed rail at all can be a luxury at times. And if that means spending 10 hours on slow regional trains to see Red Velvet, then so be it. The concert ticket was expensive enough 😅 - How many times have those windows been broken? - It's the penultimate episode and now we're getting character posters! Love it. - I kinda want a Vincenzo prequel show that deals with his life in Italy. - „He would be a great diabolical serial killer in some other drama“ Well, the guy who plays Mr. Nam is also in Flower of Evil. Just saying 👀 - Quite the image of Han-seok with blood in his mouth. - I have been that drunk a few times. It's fun in the moment but the next day is only filled with regret. - Well, Vincenzo is a man of his word. He promised Prosecutor Jung to kill him at the very top and look at that! - Only one episode left now! Some crazy shit is about to happen.

crispy chicken

Yeah, logic went out the window a long time ago for me. And yet, I was still surprised that: A) Vincenzo came alone, or didn't have something planned when he arrived. B) When Han Seo gave him an opening he went to Cha-young? (what good will that do unless you can get her out), and he actually used all that time just to free her? Shouldn't his first instinct be to take out the threat first? Villain getting dumber but Vincenzo is slipping here as well.