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Your opening made me laugh because I remembered a time, not long ago, when you were wondering what "new" BP content you could react to. Now... :) When it comes to this endless complaining by some Blinks about YG not promoting BP or the members properly, it's B.S. Not that YG has done everything perfectly, but look at where they are. EVERYTHING they have done has blown up. In marketing a cardinal sin is over-saturating the market. I'm sure everyone has seen ad campaigns that were so numerous that you were sick of the ads and sick of the product. Like you mentioned, it's Blackpink. Anything they do is major news and it gets tons of free - organic - publicity. YG adding promotions would risk over-saturating. I mean, how much bigger could they be at this point? Once you're number one, well... As to a video for All Eyes On Me, I haven't seen anything official, just fans "putting some pieces together". Sometimes they're right, most of the time they're wrong, so I'll wait for an official announcement.

crispy chicken

"Look at this ribbon!.... that I don't like" 😂