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Hey guys, I was planning on doing yesterday's TTT/SKZ/BP reactions on Sunday (today) but I unfortunately have to skip it all together and keep you guys waiting until Saturday, the last couple of days have been a little chaotic with the circumstances in the country I live in, I'm not into politics and obviously I'm against war, but the fact is that we've been having sirens and misslles fired at our direction for the last couple of days and my girlfriend and her daughter who live a little too close to all of the chaos came to me for a few days to get away from a potential disaster, as her city was fired at much more than mine.

With all of that in mind, creating new content has been a little difficult, so I do apologize and completely understand your disappointment.

I still plan on doing a new episode of Boys Planet today but it's going to be released much later than usual, the reason I will be doing it is because a cease-fire was announced and hopefully everything will be okay today and my girlfriend will be able to go home safely, and even tho I plan on doing Boys Planet I won't have enough time to get caught up with yesterday's reactions so for that reason I'll have to skip it.



Absolutely no worries or need to apologize, please be safe above all else 🙏 💜


When it's all clear, you'll get to it. We all understand that real life is more important than social media. Best wishes to all affected.

Russell McInnes

No worries! Never need to apologize!

crispy chicken

I can't even begin to understand how crazy it must be to have missiles fired at you, but it's also mind-boggling to me how calm you are handling this situation. As if it's a normal day-to-day thing. I really hope it isn't. Please be safe and take care!

Daniel Goland

I'm kind of used to it by now, it's not my first rodeo so to speak lol, it's scary when it gets a little too close to us but it's okay!

Sam sam

please don't apologize, that's horrifying I can't imagine ... stay safe and take care that's the most important thing always

Xia Lias

Stay safe, thinking of you. I thank you for thinking of us and know that we are here when things calm down.


That's so horrifying! Please stay safe and take care. That's the most important thing right now. To me, who lives in a peaceful country the imagination to feel more safe in a citiy with less missless fired at is so surreal. I hope you, your girlfriend and her daughter are okay!

DM Wilson

Please stay safe.

Star Dust

Don't apologize! Just stay safe and keep you loved ones safe! ❤️ I can't even imagine living in that situation. I will keep you all in my prayers!

Esmeralda Valencia

No worries! Never need to apologize! Please stay safe 🙏