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Nellie Z

The music in Vincenzo is awesome. Your reaction to the reveal. Love SUPERNATURAL.

crispy chicken

"He's such a loveable guy. If he turns out to be some double-crossing agent, I will lose my shit". This made me laugh out loud 😂


Vincenzo (the show) is like a real action of a chess play between Wusang Law Firm and Geumga Plaza. As the show continues, you will notice that each character is a chess piece. At the moment, not all the pieces are revealed. In addition, Hong Yoo-chan earned Vincenzo's loyalty -> throwback to ep 1: "It was his last order ... "Paolo, my brother. I am always ready to show my loyalty to you ... as long as you deserve it." Now that Hong Yoo-chan is dead, he will follow his last wish. throwback to ep 3: "I must give it my all to beat them. That's my fate" ... "I wish a real monster would appear and deal with all these evil men, whether it's legal or not." Vincenzo loyalty to Hong Yoo-chan was the reason why he could not stay still when Hong Yoo-chan's name was trashed. Daniel, I recommend you check out 2PM - Make it as Taecyeon is part of the group.


I laughed so hard at that moment. But really, Taecyeon did a great job in the show,

Marcel Wannieck

- Okay, this hits me pretty hard right now. Especially since my dad's funeral was a week ago. - And of course those fucks will not let a dead man rest in peace. - If you want to see more of Hong Yu-chan's actor, put Itaewon Class on your watchlist. He plays a major role in that show and it's so drastically different from this that it's hard to believe it's the same actor. - The last thing I watched in Game of Thrones was the Red Wedding. So yeah... - Of course they're gonna paint the researcher's death as a suicide. - No Toto, Italians are absolutely not known for their punctuality. Which you'd know if you had actually been to Italy, you goddamn fraud 🤌 - Nature are having a comeback soon! May I think. - PFFFF, what, Joon-woo being a double agent? Naaaah. - Yeah, why is there still blood two weeks after the crash? - Is Cha-young now living in her dad's house? Honestly, that'd be a bit much for me. - „Don't cause a scene“ Bro, causing scenes is Cha-young's way of life. - 🅱️cDondald's - I don't get americanos. They're just watered down coffee. Like, if the regular espresso is too much for you, get a cappuccino or a latte macchiato. Why would you thin it out with water? - The deadliest thank you you've ever seen. - Do you recognise this place where they tied up those two guys? You might be able to find an Animal Farm if you enter through the Back Door. - God, I love the way Vincenzo scares Myung-hee here. She can get fucked! - What if j-hope watched this show and got inspired to write Arson from it - HAHAHAHA - This is so fun, rewatching with The Knowledge™.

Rochella Duijs

I was waiting for that reveal! this show does such a good job of being badass and intense, while not taking itself too serious. Normally I don't really like these type of shows (mafia and crime and whatnot) but this show gives such a good twist to it.

Nellie Z

So sorry about your father. I also enjoy your commentary. Yes, IC is a great drama. It's influenced many dramas to have that silly haircut. I just noticed where the 2 guys were tied up and I've seen Vincenzo so many times. I think it's because of Daniel's perspective about angles that made me notice. The location is also used for one of BTS Permission to Dance performances. It's an abandoned mall?

Nellie Z

The actors and writing is so good. This is one of my fave genres of TV shows though.

Nellie Z

YES! to all of the above...Listen to 2PM's Heartbeat, at least =)


As unfortunate as it is that Hong Yoo-chan died so early. But his death is the catalyst for Cha-Young. She see's the path she is on. And recognizes the honor in her father's work. It's a realization on her part that changes her life. And it would have taken years to happen if not for her father's death in that way. I think it speaks volumes towards the quality of the writing that they are able to introduce Hong Yoo-chan, build his character arc in such a way that his death feels like a tragic loss to the viewer. In only 4 episodes. All while introducing a pretty significant cast of characters to the show.


Great show! I think Vincenzo is a bit soft for a real mafioso, but I guess otherwise I'd be hard to get the audience on his side. Nice scene though with the gun, the criminals and the chandeliers. These k-drama director really have a hand for photography. And man, that comment three weeks ago must have cut you good. 😄 By now I'm worried that when you're out on a walk and avoid a puddle, only for a kid to tell you "It's not that deep." we might have a kid less in Israel 😅


So much yes for your americano and italian punctuality comment! Also, I hope Myung-hee peed herself. Some humility is way overdue. Condolences for the loss of your father.