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Here we go guys, 1st round, the top 3 choices from this poll will move on to Round 2 and then you guys will decide what we watch next :)

Happy voting =D

Round 1 will conclude on Wednesday, and Round 2 will start shortly after and will conclude on Saturday!


Robert Arthur

Superband would be awesome, but only some of the episodes are subbed. I've watched both seasons and I love it, but reactions would be rough without subs. Unless someone here has a source for English subs...

Alexandru Ochet

Good Girl will be so much fun! Hopefully Good Girl will win the poll :(


sad reverse is so low when its the most hilarious show + a lot of diff groups in it :''')


i wish all of these could win i love so many of them lol


i hope boys planet gets a chance, it’s actually much better than i thought

Lauren Freeman

One day people will put respect on mixnines name (lol jk its just my favorite)


ohh the way I wanna vote for hit the stage, but I see the amount of votes so I'll rather try for Iland since that one actually seems to have a chance to get to round 2 ^^"