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Star Dust

Sadly yes, it has happened. Hyunjin was ripped away from SKZ for 4 long months, so they had to perform without him. There were several performances where there was just a space where he should be in choreo. :( Also, Han took a mental health break for a minute and I do believe they did a performance or two without him. I don’t remember when that was. Were they 9 or 8 then? But other than that, even when a member is injured, they usually sit on stage with the other members. Oh, there was a moment recently on tour when Han was overwhelmed. He went backstage for about 30 minutes while the others continued performing. It seems to be something that's very hard on them. They don't like being apart. So even when they are injured, they will still get wheeled out on stage and sit in a chair next to their brothers. I mean, c'mon. These guys. ❤️


Woojin in the booth reminded me of Hwasa. I have seen footage of her recording several times and the critiques comes in 90% of the cases from Hwasa herself, 10% from Solar. Never the actual producer (who usually just trying to pick up their jaws again).


I don't know GOT7 really. I know, of course, Jackson, his solos and antics. Recently I have seen a lot of BamBam. He has his own little show on youtube. That guy is such a Softie 😄 He also helped Kkura (LeSerrafim) sell fish-shaped bread, really great guy.

Maria Luiza Sperotto

They talk a little bit about the time they were filming this but not much. When they released All In, they made a interview with JYP because it was the first song JYP was involved in producing. In this interview there's a question like "what's the most impactful thing JYP said to you?" and Lee Know answered something like "in the survivor show, when you said "minho, come forward" during avaliations" hahaha They also talked about how the editing of the show made bang chan look mad at han at one scene, but it was a prank for han's birthday and they never showed it in the show, they just used bang chan "mad" to create drama Besides that, I don't remember much if they talked more about the show. Sry for any mistakes, I undestand English very well but writing it's so hard lol


Mnet Mneting honestly. I think it would have been cute if they'd showed the birthday party aspect. Would have indeared them even more to the public.

DM Wilson

Hi. A few things. I've never really heard a deep sit down on making the survival show but there are two pieces of content you might find interesting. 1) Idol Room 16. It is a variety show and it was only a couple of months after they debuted. The kids are funny but there is an exchange with JYP that is made to be humorous but I think in humor there is actually a lot of truth in their dynamic. (There may be a better version but this is the one I watched https://strayksubs.com/180821-idol-room-%ec%95%84%ec%9d%b4%eb%8f%8c%eb%a3%b8-episode-16-full-stray-kids/) 2) I found this interview with JYP interesting after watching the show. It is for their All In collab with JYP. (They used his track.) They talk about how the group was formed and there is a reference to the show that is classic Lee know that I think every Stay should know about. https://youtu.be/_Zv_K-v8uTI. Last, when Hyunjin had to take hiatus there was a performance that they obviously weren't prepared to do without him. It is pretty sad and the worst Stray Kids performance you will ever see. (Usually, all members don't miss a performance and still perform via chair if injured. And, of course, Kingdom was missing Hyujin.) Here is that video: https://youtu.be/5xIoYSvL7t0

Star Dust

Oh yeah that last performance you linked. They were STRUGGLING. I remember watching that at the time and being so heartbroken for them. They did not want to be there.

Sa Bsi

57:00 this was exactly my reaction watching this..I'm so happy that I'm not the only one freaking out about this bulshit

your name here

There is also the famous -Seungmin main rapper- performance of God's Menu where Han wasn't able to participate so Seungmin took over Han's rap in the song: https://youtu.be/JzACP4mWnqw

Sherri Morgan

I'm a few month's late to the party, but can we talk about how Seungmin's vocal lesson song was from Shawn Mendes after the YG battle where Yedam sang a song from the same artist? Seungmin's voice, tone, etc were so much more stable than Yedam's, but he doesn't get nearly enough praise for it. Even in the busking performance, Seungmin stood out vocally more than Woojin without being the main vocal.

Carolina Rojas

You neeed to check out young wings MV is so precious❤️