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Oh first Kelper content post GP999 thank you 😊 🙏

fabrice maire

it is true that KEP1ER had a rather unusual start. in truth they made very good beginnings and very good sales of albums more than 1 million in 3 albums. So an average of 350 K per album. several music show wins and several end of the year awards and rookie awards. it would have been considered an incredible debut 2 years ago. but the year 2022 saw the start of several extremely popular female groups and unfortunately all these groups (new jeans, ive, lesserafim) have eclipsed Kep1er.

fabrice maire

it must be so comforting for Kep1er to see that Sunmi is still following them. there is a very strong connection between Kep1er and Sunmi

fabrice maire

DG if you are interested in sports in general you should watch ISAC I've made this suggestion a few times and I think you might get another look at idols in general. I'm not too interested in sport but I've seen all the ISAC editions and have always had very good surprises. the idols are already incredible artists but in addition many of them are also accomplished athletes, some even have an excellent level. the highlight of the last IASC was indeed the performance of XIAOTING which has an international level in its discipline


Uhm, you do know the premise for Dreamcatcher World, right? 😅

Daniel Goland

Nope, I actually know nothing about it other than it was suggested a few times for Patreon 😅 What's the premise?


Basically at the start of the covid quaratine the girls had a bit of energy left over and decided to film a low-budget parody of the K-Drama "World of the Married". It's 15 min (5min + 10min) of chaotic mess; planned, acted, filmed and edited by the girls themselves. Just don't expect the usual quality, or coherence... After that they started filming their own MVs for "Sahara", "Break The Wall" and "Poison Love". However your input on editing and camera work would be much appreciated.

crispy chicken

I think there's a misunderstanding here. What Kyrain is talking about are episodes of Dreamcatcher Note: - Ep1: https://youtu.be/3Lx1AxkR2qc - Ep2: https://youtu.be/EyzFRWgs57A (it's a must-watch but there are also fanvideos that have the original side-by-side. They help you understand what is going on plus make you appreciate their acting more. But screens are obviously smaller). Since DG mentioned "4 or 5 episodes" he is probably talking about "Welcome to Idol World". Which is a new show with DC in its first episode. Therefore having the tag "Welcome to Dreamcatcher World": - playlist with Ep1 to 4 and behind 1 and 2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnmChOEU8Zevb3Itm9LBnas_GMXkAuHW1

Daniel Goland

Yes, that's the show I was talking about (the latter) 😅 it was mentioned as Dreamcatcher World 😁


Ooh, I'm terribly sorry for the confusion. Thanks crispy for clearing that up. 😵‍💫

crispy chicken

I hope it's a bit clearer now. And in the end it doesn't matter that much because it's all great content 😄

crispy chicken

I would love to see some "full" ISAC footage. Somehow I never could find it, at least not with eng subs. I only watched some clips on youtube.

crispy chicken

Very nice to see the Kep1er Sunmi reunion. Yeah I agree that this episode was way too short.

fabrice maire

you can watch the full version on some korean platform like NAVER . but if you want full version with english sub try this chanel .https://kshow123.tv/search/idol-star-athletics/