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The Lazy Ass Gamer

TDOONG Entertainment is just pure FUN, and it seems the girl's enjoyed shooting this one, sad that JY isn't in some of the TTT's shot in 2021 but she is back with a vengeance in the latest ones. Enjoy the TTT ride!


The first season was sooo random, but hilarious. When you said: "I don't know what I'm watching.", I almost fell off my chair laughing. The second season definitely needed the Yunjin meme "Nepotism!"

mark love

Hay Daniel, Thanks for the shout out. I don't want to give too much away about TDOONG Entertaiment S2, but this is the start of the TTTU (Time To Twice Universe). So, some of the characters they play will pop up again in future TTT's. Also, the last episode of this season they have a cookie. If you watch closely in the background someone is doing a dance to an upcoming song. So, Once's thought when this aired it was for an upcoming Twice comeback, which Twice are renowned for giving spoilers to their upcoming comebacks especially Nayeon the spoiler Queen. But no, it wasn't for a Twice comeback, it was for someone else. See if you can spot it. Have a good one Mate. Mark