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I shared the same expression during the first part - How can someone be that beautiful !!


That vlog felt very surreal to me :D I'm German (living in Berlin) and know Cologne including this Christmas market: Seeing Jisoo and Lisa walking and shopping there, in Cologne??? Those things don't go together in my mind. :D Cologne is so mundane and Blackpink is so... Blackpink and larger than life. I cringed the whole time hoping that nobody of the Germans there would "emberass" them or make Germany look bad in some way. Really strange... Imagine seeing a vlog with Jisoo walking through "your" neighborhood and buying some bread at the bakery across the street of your apartment, where you usally buy your bread from every morning.

fabrice maire

I'm so happy that Jisoo has opened a you tube channel, something tells me that there will be more content on that channel than on Jennie's or Lisa's. I think they just don't have the time to take care of a you tube channel. They did it because their channel has the most subscribers on you tube and the pressure for them to each open a personal channel must have been standard. jennie has posted 14 videos in almost 2 years and lisa a little less. I have high hopes for our Jisoo she's so angelic and natural you can only love her no choice.

fabrice maire

this video has been talked about a lot because Lisa shows this credit card in this vlog a very rare HYUNDAI credit card that only 1000 people in the world have of course you have to be very rich to have this card. which proves if people still doubt that BP members are paying very very well.


I was interested to see what you'd think about this one. Her London vlog was adorable because - Jisoo - the Barcelona one was better, but, with this one, she seems to have truly settled in to vlogging, and the editing is on point. I really feel like I'm there with her, just wandering about. Another reactor noticed, while reacting to a B.P.M. Roll, that, if it's Jisoo, the camera zooms in on her face. And, why not? I mean...

Daniel Goland

Perfection often deserves a closer look :) Plus there's something incredibly endearing about her not caring about having a camera quite literally in her face, which I would imagine is most "influencers" worst nightmare, seeing as Jisoo is a YouTuber now hehe, whether it's Jisoo or BP or other Idols/groups in general, they appear to be "larger than life" in MVs but in reality, they are as grounded and likable as they come, whereas **some** of the "influencers" I've seen try so desperately to fit and be "humble/likable" but it sometimes comes off as fake. I guess it has to do with the culture and the values that are instilled in you. Not sure where I'm going and why, but if you see a close-up of Jisoo in a vlog and it doesn't brighten your day, there might be a problem lol


It seems like the Kpop training includes teaching them how to keep a realistic assessment of who they actually are and not buying into the hype. That seems to lead to them being genuinely humble, rather that the "fake" humble that we see so often. It's one of the things that drew me to BP first, then into Kpop in general. Western entertainment is great, but there's too much focus on image, and that can lead to over-inflated egos. The Kardashians are a prime example of Western culture elevating people based on image alone. Talent seems to be a secondary consideration in social media.