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Jared Mathews

I loved your reaction to this episode as always. Hopefully one day patreon will vote for you to watch less emotionally taxing show :) BTW the song the that they mentioned in the episode Oh my darling, clementine is an old American folk song. It might be worth a listen since I assume you've never heard it before. https://youtu.be/ebyiyntVQNM

Marcel Wannieck

- ENHANCE! - I do kinda see his point. Mun-yeong staying at this house seems to do some emotional damage to her, so Sang-in wants go get her out of there. Of course it doesn't solve the root problem but what else can he do? Well okay, not violently forcing her against her will might be a start. - If you can eat a lot of food and stay as slim as she is, you just have a really fast metabolism and I envy you. - Alright Jae-su, you're being overdramatic here. - I don't wanna say that drunk Ju-ri is best Ju-ri but she is certainly a very entertaining Ju-ri. - Wyatt. - A Dreamcatcher you say? - It's never all black or white. - God damn it Mun-yeong. - You know Gang-tae, maybe telling her the real story behind this shawl might be a good idea. - And thus begins Ko Mun-yeong's healing process. There's still a long road ahead but things are starting to look better.

Marcel Wannieck

That's why we need Vincenzo next. Nowhere near as emotionally heavy, just all around hype and badassery :D


or I'm Not A Robot or Business Proposal or Mad for Each Other :D Maybe not so much badassery but a lot of lighthearted fun and giggles :D